ZETLAB Company
Starting from providing equipment for metrological laboratories, we headed towards the delivery of high-accuracy measuring products for Russian manufacturing enterprises in the most important fields, including defense industry, oil processing, aviation, automotive, consumer and food industries, as well as in metallurgy and mechanical engineering.
- +7 (495) 739-39-19
- +7 (495) 739-39-19
- info@zetlab.com
- zetlab@zetlab.com
- 14 Konstruktora Lukina str.
Zelenograd, Moscow 124460
Russian Federation
Filter Results By:
ZET 430
*Aligns sensor output signal with the FFT spectrum analyzer input;*Sends the FFT spectrum analyzer generator signal to the sensor calibration input;*Provides power supply to the sensor from the integrated ±12 V power supply unit.
Software for Spectrum Analyzers
ZETLAB ANALIZ is supplied together with spectrum analyzers ZET 017-U8, ZET 017-U4, ZET 017-U2, A19-U2. This software instrument allows starting measurements straight after connecting devices and installing drivers.
Multichannel Recorder
Multichannel Recorder is used for long-term recording and display of signal parameters coming to the input signals of FFT spectrum analyzers (included in the delivery scope) and ADC/DAC modules (optional).
The voltage amplifier for connecting piezoelectric acceleration meters, microphones, and other primary voltage output transducers to FFT spectrum analyzers with the IEPE standard current output (ZET 017-U2, ZET 017-U8, A19-U2).
Phasemeter is used for measuring the phase difference of two signals coming to the input channels of FFT spectrum analyzers. The upper line of the indicator displays the current phase difference value in degrees, the lower line – phase difference value in radians. It is possible to change the averaging of the displayed value (0.1 or 1 s) and to select necessary FFT spectrum analyzer channels.
Signal Filtration
Signal Filtration is used for filtering signals coming to the input channels of spectrum analyzers, strain-gauge stations, and seismic stations, for further processing by ZETLAB programs. Signal Filtration can also be used for processing virtual channels created by such programs as Vibration Meter, Strain-Gauge Sensor, etc. Signal Filtration operates with signals both in real time and with reproduced of recorded signals.
Signal Analysis
FFT Analysis
The program FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) Analysis is used for narrow-band spectral processing of signals coming from the input channels of ADC modules and FFT spectrum analyzers (in real-time or recorded time realization view mode), as well as for viewing various spectral characteristics of signals.
Frequency Meter
Frequency Meter is used for measuring the frequency of the signal coming to the input channels of ADC modules and FFT spectrum analyzers. The indicator displays the measured frequency value (frequency of periodic oscillations) and signal cycle time corresponding to the measured frequency. It is possible to change the averaging of the displayed value (0.1; 1, or 10 s) and to select a necessary channel of the ADC module, FFT spectrum analyzer or a virtual channel.
AC Selective Voltmeter
AC Selective Voltmeter is used for measuring AC voltage coming to the input channels of ADC modules and FFT spectrum analyzers. The specific feature of the AC selective voltmeter is perfomance of voltage measurements on the main signal-carrier frequency, which allows to eliminate the harmonics influence on the readings.
Signal Generator
Signal Generator is used for forming signals of various shapes, amplitude, and frequency at the output channels of ADC and DAC modules and FFT spectrum analyzers. Functionally, the Signal Generator software replaces stationary generators used in laboratories.
Cross-Spectrum CPB (Constant Percentage Bandwidth) Analysis
CPB analysis is used for fractional octave spectral processing of signals coming from the input channels of FFT spectrum analyzers (in real time or recorded time realization view mode), as well as for viewing various spectral characteristics of signals. CPB analysis is used for separating signals into basic constituents in the frequency area in 1/3-, 1/12-, 1/24-octave spectral bands. The software is used for noise spectral analysis within the scope of acoustic and vibrational measurements.
Signal Analysis
Cross-Correlation Analysis
The software is used for correlation analysis of signals coming from the input channels of FFT spectrum analyzers in real time or recorded time realization view mode, as well as for viewing various correlation characteristics of signals. Correlation analysis is a set of methods based on the mathematical correlation theory and is used for detecting the correlation dependence between two random attributes or factors. For solving a number of diagnostic tasks, cross-correlation analysis of signals in two or more control points distributed across space is often used.
Arithmometer Software
Arithmometer is used for arithmetic operations with instantaneous signal values coming to the input channels of ADC modules and spectrum analyzers. The indicator displays the current value of the selected arithmetic operation. After starting, the program creates additional virtual channel whose values can be used in all ZETLAB programs.
ADC Channel Listening
The program is used for listening to signals coming to the input channels of ADC modules and FFT Spectrum Analyzers.
Signal Analysis
Harmonic Distortion Analysis
The software is used for automatic measurement of the harmonic distortion factor and voltage r.m.s. of signals coming to the input channels of FFT spectrum analyzers. Adjustment to the frequency of the main component is performed automatically. The program is based on the measurement of the voltage r.m.s. of higher components by an external or internal reference signal.