ZETLAB Company
Starting from providing equipment for metrological laboratories, we headed towards the delivery of high-accuracy measuring products for Russian manufacturing enterprises in the most important fields, including defense industry, oil processing, aviation, automotive, consumer and food industries, as well as in metallurgy and mechanical engineering.
- +7 (495) 739-39-19
- +7 (495) 739-39-19
- info@zetlab.com
- zetlab@zetlab.com
- 14 Konstruktora Lukina str.
Zelenograd, Moscow 124460
Russian Federation
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Digital Pressure Meter
ZET 7012-A-VER.1
Digital pressure meter ZET 7012-A in BP4-1 casing is used for fast and simple absolute pressure measurements and measured values data transfer in digital format via RS-485 or 4-20 mA interface.
Digital Short-Period Seismometer
ZET 7156-VER.1
Digital short-period seismometer ZET 7156-VER.1 is used for vibration velocity measurements of various structures: elevated (raised and restrictive) and underground (foundations, piles, etc).
Digital Temperature Sensor
ZET 7120
The ZET 7120 unit converts signal from the sensor into temperature values. The resulting temperature values are transmitted via CAN interface. Thus, the use of digital sensors releases the user from the necessity of the measuring channels setting.
XY Plotter
XY Plotter is used for visualizing (form evaluation) the transfer characteristics of two values to be measured. The following instruments can be used for transfer characteristics: DC and AC voltmeters, a selective AC voltmeter, a frequency meter, and a phase meter. Characteristics can be displayed in 3 planes (XY, XT, and YT), as well as in a three-dimensional (XYT) view.
Multichannel Oscilloscope
Multichannel Oscilloscope is used for evaluating signal shape and instant value measurement. It is possible to simultaneously display several signals within the same period, each having their own units of measurement. To compare signals, it is possible to display their oscillograms on the same coordinate axes. A simple and user-friendly cursor control and diagram scaling allow for studying process changes in general and in detail.
XYZ Oscillograph
XYZ Oscillograph is a program assessing signal forms and displaying signal parametric dependence.
Signals Gallery
Program “Signal gallery” is used for viewing and analysis of the recorded signal (whether from HD or in remote way).
Seismograph program is used for continuous data representation by a large amount of channels (simultaneously and in identical scale – for the purpose of timely detection of the events occurring in the system).
Data Processing and Result View
The program allows to simultaneously download multiple data files obtained by means of ZETLab programs, as well as to view and edit corresponding data in the graphic and table format.
Electrical Circuits Control Device
ZET 452
ZET 452 is an automated module for electrical circuits parameters control that is used for electrical circuits impedance and insulation resistance monitoring in automated mode. The monitoring is performed in accordance with the set participation and without participation of an operator. ZET 452 allows to reduce the time necessary for verification procedure more than in 20 times if compared with the standard measurement instruments normally used for these purposes.
Elevators Diagnostics System
Lift diagnostics system “Vector” is used for measurements in the course of elevators diagnostics and enables measurements of the following parameters:
Extension Unit
ZET 452 MP
The ZET 452 MP extension unit improves the capabilities of electric circuit parameter control devices:*increases the number of measuring circuits;*makes it possible to build distributed systems for cable networks checking.
FFT Spectrum Analyzers
FFT Spectrum Analyzers for vibrational, acoustic and hydroacoustic measurements.
Frequency-Modulated Signal Generator with Logarithmic Time-Base
The Software Signal generator allows to produce frequency modulated signals with logarithmic time-base at the DAC output.