TSH (Guangzhou) Technology Development Co., LTD
TSH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED has been founded in 1999, specialized in communication testing solutions and being the supplier with the equipments of communication transmission and technology services. Our businesses are not only covering communication testing instruments, fusion splicers and tools and Broad Band access equipments, but also providing communication increment services. Many fields of communication testing such as Optical fiber testing, transmission testing, data testing, wireless testing, fusions splicers and tools, and various access equipments including data access and fiber access and so on are all included in our solutions.
- +86 (0)20 38869769
- +86-20-38869715
- tsh@tsh-tech.com
- 25C-D, Gloria Court
Metro Paradise, No 358 TianHeBei Road
Guangzhou, Guangdong 510620
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