Sigma Tek, Inc.
Sigma Tek manufactures and distribute aviation instruments, accessories and control panels to the worldwide aviation industry.
- (800) 876-5272
(316) 775-6373 - (316) 775-1416
- 1001 Industrial Rd.
Augusta, KS 67010
United States
True Airspeeds
These true speed indicators are differential pressure indicators that measure the difference between static and total pressure produced by ram air from the pitot. The indicated airspeed can be corrected for changes in altitude by turning the knob to align the outside air temperature with the altitude. The moveable airspeed scale will then show the actual, or true, airspeed.
Radio Control Panels
The use of control signals transmitted by radio to remotely control a device.
5000B-series Attitude Gyroscopes With Warning Flag
This gyro is a variation of our popular 5000B air-driven attitude gyro. It includes a warning flag that drops into view upon the loss of vacuum. This can be a life saving feature during an emergency in a busy cockpit. The horizon mask moves to indicate climb, dive, and bank attitudes, which are portrayed against a fixed airplane. The fluid movements and intuitive presentation provide the pilot with a realistic sense of the aircraft’s attitude in relation to the natural horizon.
Customized Indicator Cluster Gauge Kits
Over the past 40 years, Sigma Tek has custom designed and manufactured reliable, proven instruments for virtually every type of aircraft that flies. This includes precision modular instrumentation configured to customer's exact specifications. Cluster modules measure 1.44" square, and can be arranged in almost any combination for optimum panel utilization. Individual modules are easily removed for calibration and service.
Electric Attitude Gyroscopes
The 5000EG gyro is based on our air-driven 5000B model, whose proven reliability has made it the industry standard for many years. There are two models available: 14 and 28 VDC. The rotor is precisely machined from a heavy-metal tungsten alloy, which has a higher mass than brass, contributing to the instrument’s demonstrated stability. The electric motor is driven by a built-in power inverter, and has an integrated air-erection mechanism. A warning flag is deployed upon loss of primary power. During acrobatic flights or short stops, the gyro’s mechanism can be caged whenever the knob is pulled.
Data Monitoring System
The 1S663-001 Data Monitoring System was specifically developed for the Cessna Citation X and serves as the primary diagnostic tool for the aircraft?? electronic Logic Modules. The system is FAA certified for airborne operation. Aft compartment and cabin modules can be tested two at a time while remaining in place. The system is also capable of monitoring the fuel quantity system during flight.
Multifunction Engine Gauge
The three essential engine parameters are packaged in a 3” instrument. The 1U417 was derived from the Garwin 22-804 and is a direct replacement. As evidenced by its predecessor, the three most essential engine parameters have traditionally been the most requested by our customers.
Heading Reference Directional Gyroscopes
The 4000HR air-driven directional gyro offers some of the best features of our other popular models. It inherited all of the functionality and reliability of the industry standard 4000B upon which it’s based, and it picked up a heading reference bug from the 4000C autopilot model.
ARINC-style Attitude Gyroscopes
The 1U367 has a pictorial horizon mask and a fixed airplane. The mask moves to indicate climb, dive, and bank. Bank and pitch attitudes are diaplayed so that the pilot's sensing of the gyro's horizon indication is the same as the interpretation of the relationship between the wings of the aircraft and the natural horizon during visual flight.
Standard Attitude Gyroscopes
The 5000B is an air-driven gyro that has a pictorial horizon mask and fixed airplane. The mask moves to indicate climb, dive, and bank. Bank and pitch attitudes are displayed so that the pilot’s sensing of the gyro indication is the same as the interpretation of the relation between the wings of the aircraft and the natural horizon during visual flight.
Standard Airspeeds
These airspeed indicators have unrestrained movements.These instruments are actuated by ram air and ambient atmospheric pressure obtained from the aircraft pitot and static pressure systems. A moveable pointer and a fixed dial indicate airspeed with the zero index at the 12 o??lock position. Temperature compensation is internal and there is no external zero adjustment. Pointer damping is internally adjustable.
Cageable Attitude Gyroscopes
The 5000M is an air-driven gyro that has a pictorial horizon mask and fixed airplane. The mask moves to indicate climb, dive, and bank. Bank and pitch attitudes are displayed so that the pilot’s sensing of the gyro indication is the same as the interpretation of the relation between the wings of the aircraft and the natural horizon during visual flight.
Restrained Airspeeds
These airspeed indicators have restrained movements.These instruments are actuated by ram air and ambient atmospheric pressure obtained from the aircraft pitot and static pressure systems. A moveable pointer and a fixed dial indicate airspeed with the zero index at the 12 o’clock position. Temperature compensation is internal and there is no external zero adjustment. Pointer damping is internally adjustable.
Autopilot Attitude Gyroscopes
The 5000E air-driven attitude gyro is another variation of our standard 5000B model. It includes inductive pickoffs that generate the signals necessaryto drive an autopilot. The intuitive display has a moving horizon mask that indicates the position of the aircraft’s wings in relation to the natural horizon. This attitude information is passed along to the autopilot system.