Applus Keystone
Keystone Compliance is a full-service regulatory compliance laboratory offering solutions for nearly all EMC/EMI, environmental, ISTA-certified package and ingress protection testing requirements.
- 724-657-9940
- 724-324-9920
- 131 Columbus Inner Belt
New Castel, PA 16101
United States
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Ingress Protection Testing, aka IP Code Testing
Ingress protection testing tests the level of protection an enclosure provides against intrusions. Intrusions can be defined as body parts, water, dust and other foreign objects. The IP Code, also known as the International Protection Marking, rates the degree of protection that the enclosure provides. The IP Code has two digits. The first digit is the protection from solid particles and the second digit is the protection from liquids.
Wind and Rain Testing
Keystone Compliance operates wind and rain generators that are capable of producing wind speeds exceeding 160 mph. Rain fall rates are practically limitless but are typically controlled to 4”, 6”, or 8” per hour. Automated turn tables are often utilized to ease testing of large products. Multiple generators can be setup to provide a large coverage area. Custom setups are a specialty for Keystone Compliance personnel when setting up a wind driven rain test.
Lightning Testing and Surge Immunity Testing
Keystone Compliance offers engineering services for standard and custom lightning transient immunity testing requirements and surge immunity testing requirements. Lightning testing can be completed in single-stroke, multiple-stroke and multiple-burst testing. Direct lightning testing is typically required for exterior aircraft systems. Indirect lightning testing is required for most aircraft electronics, both internal and external. Indirect lightning simulates secondary currents and voltages that travel through circuitry and cabling. The testing is also referred to as a surge immunity test.
Reliability Testing
The reliability test program includes a number of qualification tests based on the type of product, the environment within which it is anticipated to operate in and estimated product weaknesses. Establishing an effective but practical and affordable test program can be a challenge. Reducing the number of units tested or the scope of testing might not yield a sufficient sample of results. Testing multiple units or having an expansive test program can be very time consuming and expensive. A very good resource for establishing a reliability test program is MIL-HDBK-781: Handbook for Reliability Test Methods, Plans and Environments for Engineering, Development, Qualification and Production. This handbook provides test methods, test plans and test environmental profiles which can be used in reliability testing during the development, qualification, and production of systems and equipment.
Ingress Protection: Spraying Water and Splashing Water (IPX3 & IPX4)
Ingress protection testing tests the level of protection an enclosure provides against intrusions. Two such sets of ingress protection tests involve exposing the equipment under test (EUT), to spraying water and splashing water. These tests are numbered IPX3 and IPX4. The first digit, represented by the “X”, ranges from 0 to 6 and specifies the protection from solid particles. The second digit, in the case of spraying water, would always be a 3, and in the case of splashing water, would always be a 4.
Ingress Protection – Dripping Water Tests (IPX1 and IPX2)
Ingress protection testing tests the level of protection an enclosure provides against intrusions. One such set of ingress protection tests is called the dripping water test. These tests are numbered IPX1 or IPX2. The first digit, represented by the “X”, ranges from 0 to 6 and specifies the protection from solid particles. The second digit, in the case of the dripping water ingress protection test, would always be either a 1 or a 2.
Drop Testing
Drop testing, per MIL-STD 202 Method 203, is used to determine the effects on component parts of random drops tested and repeated impact due to handling, shipping, and other field service conditions. This drop testing is an accelerated test designed to indicate structural and mechanical weaknesses of types not necessarily detected in shock and vibration tests. Package drop testing can help determine the survivability of a product’s packaging and help manufacturers identify potential warranty issues from poor packaging or improper handling instructions.
Icing and Freezing Rain Testing
Icing and Freezing Rain testing is performed within any of our environmental chambers. With a drive-in chamber of 12’ wide x 15’ deep x 10’ tall, we are capable of performing icing and freezing rain tests on large test articles. Specially designed atomizing nozzles and pre-chilled water are used for the rapid formation of ice up to the prescribed thickness. With years of icing and freezing rain test experience, Keystone personnel have the knowledge to reach the desired ice thickness quickly and reduce test time and cost.
EMI Site Survey
An EMI site survey is an independent assessment of the potential Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) risks that might interfere with an implantable electrical device such as a pacemaker or defibrillator.
Thermal Shock Testing
Keystone Compliance currently offers thermal shock testing in two chambers. Both chambers offer approximately five-second transition times and can accommodate smaller products. We also have the ability to provide thermal shock testing to larger products by using two separate walk-in temperature and humidity chambers. If you have a large unit, we can likely find a way to test it.
Altitude Testing
Altitude testing, also referred to as low pressure testing, per MIL-STD 810 Method 502.4, is performed to ensure that equipment can withstand and operate in a low pressure test or high altitude test environment. Altitude testing is intended to be used for air shipment of material in a plane, equipment designed for installation at high ground elevations and explosive decompression due to aircraft damage. Manufacturers of any device that is transported by air should consider the impact high altitude testing or low-pressure testing could have on their products. A low pressure test can simulate the problems high altitude can create such as:
Electrostatic Discharge Testing / ESD Testing
Electrostatic discharge testing, also known as ESD testing is an essential test for many product. Electrostatic discharge can cause a number of problems including but not limited to mechanical failures, coal dust explosions, fuel vapor explosions and bodily injury. ESD is the sudden transfer of electricity between to electrically charged objects. This electrostatic transfer can be caused by contact, dielectric breakdown or an electrical short. ESD testing simulates various electrostatic impacts that equipment might experience either during transit or operation. The impact of electrostatic discharge can be significant whether the ESD even is so slight that is undetectable by hearing or sight or as spectacular as electrical sparks or lightning. An electrostatic discharge test determines whether a product is in compliance with its ESD protective area and procedures. Electronics manufacturers must identify ESD-reducing measures when their products are either susceptible to ESD or likely to create ESD. These measures can include establishing electrostatic protective areas that are free of static, controlling humidity, using measures to eliminate charging such as avoiding highly charging materials and taking steps to remove static such as grounding human workers or requiring antistatic devices. An ESD test confirms that the equipment correctly operates per the test requirement and the manufacturer’s operating procedures.
Temperature Testing
Keystone Compliance offers temperature testing and temperature & humidity testing in chambers ranging from small bench top to large drive-in systems. Our largest chamber has inside dimensions of 12’ wide x 15’ long x 10’ tall and an 8’ x 9’ door. However, we have created custom oversized temperature chambers to accommodate much larger devices including cars, drones and large pieces of machinery. If you have a large unit, we can likely find a way to test it. Keystone Compliance is capable of moving, installing, and testing multiple rack assemblies. Our other large walk in temperature test chamber is equipped with twin 30 hp compressors and is capable of temperature transition rates exceeding 15 degrees Celsius per minute. This chamber permits temperature cycling testing on large items with aggressive transition times.
Salt-Fog Testing
Keystone Compliance has a salt fog chamber that is one of the largest salt fog chambers manufactured and has an inside dimension of 8’ x 4’ x 4’. However, we have created custom oversized chambers to accommodate much larger devices including cars, drones and large pieces of machinery. If you have a large unit, we can likely find a way to test it. The chamber is capable of salt fog testing, salt mist testing, salt spray testing and salt laden testing as described in most popular test specifications.
Humidity Testing
Keystone Compliance offers temperature and temperature humidity testing in chambers ranging from small bench top to large drive-in systems. Our largest chamber was specifically oversized in design. With inside dimensions of 12’ wide x 15’ long x 10’ tall and an 8’ x 9’ door, Keystone Compliance is capable of moving, installing, and testing multiple rack assemblies. Keystone Compliance also operates a large walk-in chamber that is specially equipped with twin 30 hp compressors and is capable of temperature transition rates exceeding 15 degrees Celsius per minute.