While researching replacement materials for parachutes, two scientists discovered that no testing machine was accurate enough to meet their demands. They founded Instron in 1946, and we pioneered universal testing machines featuring strain-gauge load cells. Today, Instron remains committed to delivering the highest quality, leading-edge technologies and services designed to push the boundaries of research, quality control and service-life testing. Our systems evaluate the mechanical properties of materials and structures using tensile, compression, flexural, fatigue, impact, dynamic, torsional and multi-axial loading. Through a global infrastructure, we offer a broad range of local service capabilities, including calibration, verification, training, technical support and assistance with laboratory management.
- +1 800 564 8378
- 825 University Ave.
Norwood, MA 02062
United States
CEAST VisualRHEO Software
VisualRHEO Software is specifically designed for the Instron® line of CEAST Capillary Rheometers (Rheologic and SmartRheo), both single-bore and twin-bore versions.
Dynacell Load Cells
2527 Series
Dynacell is the world's first truly dynamic load cell, designed from the outset for measuring dynamic loads. Dynacell introduces the following advantages: *Reduces dynamic load errors which can be a significant percentage of reading*Increases productivity by allowing higher frequency operation while maintaining test validity *Improvements such as doubling the frequency are common
RS LabSite® modulogic
RS LabSite® modulogic is a comprehensive and adaptable software suite conceived for introducing service loads into individual components or complete vehicles, or performing calculations within the framework of Virtual Prototyping (standardized loadsequences, virtual generation of load data). This enables you to stay in full control of all tasks that follow the acquisition of measurement data in the proving ground.
Averaging Clip-on Extensometer
The Instron 2650 Series Biaxial Extensometers are ideally suited for testing a wide range of materials, including polymer matrix composites, metals, and plastics over a range of temperatures. Two sensors measure axial strain on opposite sides of the specimen. Versions are available which provide either a single averaged axial output or 2 independent axial outputs. The extensometers meet the calibration requirements of ASTM E83 class B1, ISO 9513 class 0.5, and ISO 527.
Long Travel Extensionmeters
The Instron model XL (long travel) extensometer is a precise device for measuring strain in highly extensible materials such as elastomers, semi-rigid plastics and films. Designed for use with electromechanical testing instruments, Instron XL units can be used to measure specimens elongation's up to 10 in or 250 mm. An optional of 15 in or 375 mm travel is also available.
Static Axial Clip-On Extensionmeters
The 2630 series and W-6280 series of extensometers offer speed of attachment and ease of use. The light-weight, rugged cross-brace design eliminates errors caused by physical distortion, while built-in protection ensures that damage is not caused by over-extension. The low operating-force arms of the extensometer reduce the possibility of knife-edge slippage when testing hard or smooth surfaced materials. The 2630 series extensometers can be installed or set in place accurately and consistently, more -
Biaxial Clip-on Extensionmeters
The Instron 2650 Series Biaxial Extensometers are ideally suited for testing a wide range of materials, including polymer matrix composites, metals, and plastics over a range of temperatures. Two sensors measure axial strain on opposite sides of the specimen and a third sensor measures transverse strain. The extensometers meet the calibration requirements of ASTM E83 class B1, ISO 9513 class 0.5, and ISO 527.
High-Temperature Extensometers < 600 °C Capacitive
Instron® High-Temperature Extensometers are perfect for testing advanced composites, metals, polymers and other materials at elevated temperatures. This series incorporates a capacitive sensor that does not require any cooling. The extensometers come standard with a sensor conditioner unit providing a 0-10 V output with exceptionally low noise. These extensometers can be attached to round and flat specimens to perform tensile, compression, and cyclic tests.
Bluehill® Universal Software
Bluehill Universal is our newest static testing software, built from the ground-up for touch interaction. The new portrait layout, with its meticulously crafted visual design, gives the most comprehensive view of the test workspace on the Operator Dashboard, a stunning large-format touch monitor with an integrated controller. Bluehill Universal’s large touchpoints and intuitive gestures make the user experience simpler and smarter. While maintaining all of the power and flexibility found in previous versions of Bluehill Software, Bluehill Universal boasts many advanced capabilities, such as pre-loaded test methods, QuickTest in seconds, and enhanced data exporting.
(25kN/100Nm) Axial-Torsion Systems
The 8874 is a bi-axial tabletop servohydraulic testing system providing a combined axial and torsion dynamic actuator in the upper crosshead. With a precision aligned twin-column frame and a lower t-slot table, the 8874 meets the challenging demands of a varied range of both static and dynamic testing requirements.
Capillary Rheometers
Plastics are amazing materials with the unique ability to flow when heated to relatively low temperatures. They can be formed into a wide variety of shapes and tailored for many different applications. However, their flow properties during this process are complex and affected by many parameters. Instron® provides comprehensive and effective testing solutions in plastics applications and industries through the CEAST SmartRHEO Series. This capillary rheometer simulates the process conditions, measuring the plastic materials flow behavior that characterizes the rheology of materials.
(1000kN) Fatigue Testing Systems
The 8805 is a 4-column, 1000 kN servohydraulic fatigue testing machine. It features a high-stiffness and precision-aligned load frame, with hydraulic lifts and locks, and an actuator in the upper crosshead.
(2500kN+) Fatigue Testing Systems
The precision mechanical systems, combined with the advanced features of the 8800 digital controller and Dynacell™ load cells, enable Instron to supply fully-integrated turnkey solutions to meet the most demanding applications. The system can be used to cover a broad range of static and dynamic test applications, covering metals, rebar, high-force fracture mechanics, aerospace panels, civil engineering components, wire ropes, or concrete.
(100kN) Fatigue Testing Systems
The 8801 servohydraulic testing system meets the challenging demands of a varied range of both dynamic and static testing requirements. The 8801 provides complete testing solutions to satisfy the needs of advanced materials and component testing, and is ideally suited for high- and low-cycle fatigue testing, thermomechanical fatigue testing, and fracture mechanics. The higher capacity of up to 100 kN, a larger working space, a high stiffness, and the precision of alignment all make the 8801 an exceptionally versatile and reliable testing system.
(250 kN) Fatigue Testing System
The Instron 8802 is a high stiffness, 250kN fatigue rated servohydraulic testing system that meets the challenging demands of both static and dynamic testing requirments. The 8802 systems include a range of configurations available to provide complete testing solutions to satisfy the needs of advanced materials and component testing. The design of the 8802 frame makes it ideal for installation within a laboratory environment, generally without the need for strangethened floors or raised ceiling heights.