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sbRIO-9201, Non-Enclosed, ±10 V, 500 kS/s, 12-Bit, 8-Channel C Series Voltage Input Module
Non-Enclosed, ±10 V, 500 kS/s, 12-Bit, 8-Channel C Series Voltage Input Module - The sbRIO‑9201 is an effective combination of channel count and speed at a low price for an economical multifunction system. In addition to the absolute protection from the isolation, the module features up to 100 V of overvoltage protection for errant signal connection or unexpected outputs to the individual channels. Non-enclosed modules are designed for OEM applications.
PXIe-1487, 8 Input, 8 Output, or 4 Input/4 Output PXI FlexRIO GMSL™ Interface Module
The PXIe-1487 combines the Maxim Integrated Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link™ (GMSL™) interface with the Xilinx FPGA for high-throughput vision and imaging applications. This module provides a high-speed digital interface for using and testing modern advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous drive (AD) camera sensors and electronic control units (ECUs). Additionally, the PXIe-1487 makes use of a combination of GMSL™ serializers and deserializers with a Xilinx FPGA to provide a high-throughput and customizable GMSL™ interface on PXI. The included FlexRIO driver, with LabVIEW FPGA examples, provides access and control for power-over-coax, I²C back-channel communication, and general-purpose input/output (GPIO) communication on the GMSL™ channels. The PXIe-1487 is ideal for applications such as in-vehicle data logging, lab-based playback, or hardware-in-the-loop (HIL). GMSL is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
Digital I/O Adapter Module For FlexRIO
Digital I/O Adapter Modules for FlexRIO offer up to 54 channels of configurable digital I/O that can interface with single‐ended, differential, and serial signals at a variety of voltage levels. When combined with a large, user‐programmable FPGA, you can use these modules to solve a variety of challenges, from high‐speed communication with a device under test to emulating custom protocols in real time.
NI-9853, 2-Port, High-Speed C Series CAN Interface Module
2-Port, High-Speed C Series CAN Interface Module—The NI‑9853 is a high-speed Controller Area Network (CAN) interface for developing FPGA-based applications with the NI‑RIO driver on CompactRIO. The NI‑9853 is ideal for low-level FPGA‑based control and triggering applications that are programmed using the LabVIEW FPGA Module. The NI‑9853 is ideal for byte-level manipulation of CAN frames using the LabVIEW FPGA Module. The NI‑9853 is only compatible with CompactRIO systems.
PXI-8430, 4-Port, RS232 PXI Serial Interface Module
4-Port, RS232 PXI Serial Interface Module - The PXI‑8430/4 is a high-performance interface for high-speed communication with RS232 devices. It features high-performance DMA transfers, multithreading, and multiprocessor support. NI serial interfaces also appear as standard COM ports for compatibility with programs that use serial communications.
PCI-5421, 100 MS/s, 16-Bit Waveform Generator Device
The PCI‑5421 can generate user-defined, arbitrary waveforms and standard functions, including sine, square, triangle, and ramp. This arbitrary waveform generator can generate signals from -6 V to +6 V and uses direct digital synthesis (DDS) to precisely generate waveforms. The PCI‑5421 also features advanced synchronization and data streaming capabilities.
cDAQ-9181, 1‑Slot, Ethernet CompactDAQ Chassis
1‑Slot, Ethernet CompactDAQ Chassis - The cDAQ‑9181 is a CompactDAQ Ethernet chassis designed for small, distributed sensor measurement systems. The chassis controls the timing, synchronization, and data transfer between C Series I/O modules and an external host. You can use this chassis with a combination of C Series I/O modules to create a mix of analog I/O, digital I/O, and counter/timer measurements. The chassis also has four 32‑bit general‑purpose counters/timers. You can access these counters through an installed, hardware‑timed digital C Series module for applications that involve quadrature encoders, PWM, event counting, pulse train generation, and period or frequency measurement.
PXI Analog Input Module
PXI Analog Input Modules feature multiple analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) as well as built-in signal conditioning. Sample rates range from 5 kS/s/ch to 2 MS/s/ch. You can choose from modules that offer up to 28 bits of resolution and up to 32 simultaneous channels. PXI Analog Input Modules offer different types of isolation and filtering, so you can choose options that meet specific application needs. The modules promote increased accuracy, high data throughput, and are ideal for scalable measurement systems with low and high channel counts.
PXI Programmable Resistor Module
PXI Programmable Resistor Modules are wellsuited for simulating environmental conditions in hardwareintheloop(HIL) validation. The software included provides a simple user interface that accepts inputs in units of temperature or resistance, and configures the resistance across each channel. Each module uses a 37pin DSUB connector on the front panel, as well as a 2x2 MicroFit connector for easy connection to a PXI Digital Multimeter(DMM).
cDAQ-9189, 8-Slot, TSN-Enabled Ethernet CompactDAQ Chassis
8-Slot, TSN-Enabled Ethernet CompactDAQ Chassis - The cDAQ-9189 is a CompactDAQ Ethernet chassis designed for distributed sensor measurement systems. The chassis controls the timing, synchronization, and data transfer between C Series I/O modules and an external host. With this chassis, you can combine C Series I/O modules to create a mix of analog I/O, digital I/O, and counter/timer measurements. The chassis provides precise, synchronized timing over the network using TSN, ideal for highly distributed measurements over long distances. The chassis has an integrated network switch for simple daisy-chaining. The chassis also has four 32-bit general-purpose counters/timers, accessible through a hardware-timed digital C Series module for applications that involve quadrature encoders, PWM, pulse train generation, and more.
LIN Interface Device
LIN Interface Devices are bus interfaces for developing applications with the NI-XNET driver. The NI-XNET device-driven DMA engine couples the LIN bus to host memory to minimize message latency. You can import, edit, and use signals from LDF databases in integrated LIN databases. LIN Interface Devices work well for applications requiring real-time, high-speed manipulation of many LIN frames and signals, such as hardware-in-the-loop simulation, rapid control prototyping, bus monitoring, and automation control.
PXI Bluetooth Signal Generation and Analysis
Test Toolkit for Bluetooth™
Start taking faster Bluetooth measurements with PXI, the most cost-effective, flexible, and capable platform for wireless device test. Keep up with the latest Bluetooth standard developments with free upgrades of the Test Toolkit for Bluetooth. Gain greater confidence in your Bluetooth design's performance and increase test coverage with a flexible toolkit that offers fine control of the generated Bluetooth waveforms and generates accurate measurement results.
Temperature Sensor
The Temperature Sensor works with NI measurement devices and software to help you acquire temperature data within a measurement system. You can use LabVIEW or FlexLogger software and NI-DAQmx driver software to configure measurements and predefined scaling coefficients for Temperature Sensors and acquire synchronized temperature data.
Signal Generator Adapter Module For FlexRIO
Signal Generator Adapter Modules for FlexRIO feature either high or low‐speed analog output and can be paired with a PXI FPGA Module for FlexRIO or the Controller for FlexRIO for custom signal generation. Whether you need to dynamically generate waveforms on the FPGA or stream them across the PXI backplane, these adapter modules are well suited for applications in communications, hardware‐in‐the‐loop (HIL) test, and scientific instrumentation.
FlexRIO Digitizer Device
FlexRIO Digitizer Devices feature high-performance analog-to-digital converters with lightweight analog front-ends designed to maximize sample rate, bandwidth, and dynamic range. These devices use FPGAs from Xilinx alongside LabVIEW and Vivado programming options for custom algorithm implementation and real-time signal processing. These devices also feature an auxiliary I/O connector with GPIO for triggering or digital interfacing and the option for high-speed serial communication.