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PXIe-7971, K325T FPGA, 1.7 GB/s PXI FPGA Module for FlexRIO
K325T FPGA, 1.7 GB/s PXI FPGA Module for FlexRIO—The PXIe‑7971 provides flexible, customizable I/O for LabVIEW FPGA. It includes 132 single-ended I/O lines configurable as 66 differential pairs. You can pair the PXIe‑7971 with FlexRIO adapter modules that offer high-performance analog and digital I/O. Together, the two modules create a reconfigurable instrument that you can program with LabVIEW FPGA software. The PXIe‑7971 supports peer‑to‑peer streaming, which directly transfers data among multiple FPGA modules or select PXI Express modules without sending data to the host processor. With this feature, you can add FPGA capabilities to high-performance NI digitizers with NIST‑traceable calibration or expand your FPGA algorithms across multiple FPGAs for computationally demanding applications.
K-Type Thermocouples Wire, Fiberglass (32 deg F to 900 deg F) 1 m
K-Type Thermocouple, 32°F to 900°F Temperature Sensor - The K-Type Thermocouple works with NI measurement devices and software to help you acquire temperature data within a measurement system. You can use LabVIEW or FlexLogger software and NI-DAQmx driver software to configure measurements and predefined scaling coefficients for the K-Type Thermocouple and acquire synchronized temperature data in units of degrees. The K-Type Thermocouple is available in various lengths and configurations including field-cuttable, ready-made sensors, and thermocouple wire extensions with a -20°F to 221°F temperature range.
K-Type Thermocouples Wire, Fiberglass (32deg F to 900deg F) 2 m
K-Type Thermocouple, 32°F to 900°F Temperature Sensor - The K-Type Thermocouple works with NI measurement devices and software to help you acquire temperature data within a measurement system. You can use LabVIEW or FlexLogger software and NI-DAQmx driver software to configure measurements and predefined scaling coefficients for the K-Type Thermocouple and acquire synchronized temperature data in units of degrees. The K-Type Thermocouple is available in various lengths and configurations including field-cuttable, ready-made sensors, and thermocouple wire extensions with a -20°F to 221°F temperature range.
J-Type Thermocouples (Ungrounded) (32 deg F to 900 deg F )
J-Type Thermocouple, 32°F to 900°F Temperature Sensor - The J-Type Thermocouple works with NI measurement devices and software to help you acquire temperature data within a measurement system. You can use LabVIEW or FlexLogger software and NI-DAQmx driver software to configure measurements and predefined scaling coefficients for the J-Type Thermocouple and acquire synchronized temperature data in units of degrees. The J-Type Thermocouple is available in various lengths and configurations including field-cuttable, ready-made sensors, and thermocouple wire extensions with a -20°F to 221°F temperature range.
J-Type Thermocouples Grounded (32 deg F to 900 deg F )
J-Type Thermocouple, 32°F to 900°F Temperature Sensor - The J-Type Thermocouple works with NI measurement devices and software to help you acquire temperature data within a measurement system. You can use LabVIEW or FlexLogger software and NI-DAQmx driver software to configure measurements and predefined scaling coefficients for the J-Type Thermocouple and acquire synchronized temperature data in units of degrees. The J-Type Thermocouple is available in various lengths and configurations including field-cuttable, ready-made sensors, and thermocouple wire extensions with a -20°F to 221°F temperature range.
PXI-8232, Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE 488 PXI GPIB Instrument Control Module
Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE 488 PXI GPIB Instrument Control Module—The PXI‑8232 combines a high-performance GPIB controller and a Gigabit Ethernet port into a single-slot module. You can use this module to integrate non-PXI instruments into a PXI system. The PXI‑8232 takes advantage of the Intel 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet controller. The 1,000 Mbit/s Gigabit Ethernet transfer rate provides a substantial performance increase over the Fast Ethernet transfer rate while remaining compatible with 10BASE‑T and 100BASE‑TX Fast Ethernet networks. You also can use the Ethernet port on the PXI‑8232 as an EtherCAT master, which is programmed with the NI‑Industrial Communications for EtherCAT software in LabVIEW. This module includes a license for the NI‑488.2 driver software, providing maximum reliability for connecting to third-party instruments with GPIB.
PXIe-8234, GigE Vision PXI Frame Grabber Module
GigE Vision PXI Frame Grabber Module—The PXIe-8234 with Vision Acquisition Software can acquire images from the fastest GigE Vision cameras. It transfers images at full Gigabit Ethernet bandwidth on both ports simultaneously, and it is optimized for extremely low CPU load. The PXIe-8234 with Vision Acquisition Software provides full GigE Vision bandwidth at every port, giving you the bandwidth you need for your most demanding vision applications. It also includes NI Vision Acquisition Software, which is driver software for acquiring, displaying, logging, and monitoring images from a multitude of camera types. With a set of easy-to-use functions and example programs, you can quickly create applications using LabVIEW, C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, and Visual Basic .NET.
USB-6215, Isolated 16 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 2 AO (250 kS/s), 4 DI, 4 DO USB Multifunction I/O Device
Isolated 16 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 2 AO (250 kS/s), 4 DI, 4 DO USB Multifunction I/O Device - The USB‑6215 is an isolated, multifunction DAQ device. It offers analog I/O, digital input, digital output, and two 32‑bit counters. For improved accuracy and safety, the USB‑6215 provides 60 V, CAT I isolation. It also features signal streaming technology that gives you DMA-like bidirectional high-speed streaming of data across USB. The device is ideal for test, control, and design applications including portable data logging, field monitoring, embedded OEM, in-vehicle data acquisition, and academic. The USB‑6215 features a lightweight mechanical enclosure and is bus powered for easy portability. The included NI‑DAQmx driver and configuration utility simplify configuration and measurements.
PC/104-GPIB, ISA GPIB Instrument Control Device
ISA GPIB Instrument Control Device - The PC/104-GPIB is a plug-and-play IEEE 488 interface for industrial environments. The PC/104-GPIB performs the basic IEEE 488 Talker, Listener, and Controller functions required by the IEEE 488.2 standard. The PC/104-GPIB includes a license for the NI-488.2 driver software, which provides high performance and maximum reliability for connecting to third-party instruments using GPIB. The PC/104-GPIB is software- and register-compatible with the AT-GPIB/TNT.
PC/104-GPIB, ISA GPIB Instrument Control Device
ISA GPIB Instrument Control Device - The PC/104-GPIB is a plug-and-play IEEE 488 interface for industrial environments. The PC/104-GPIB performs the basic IEEE 488 Talker, Listener, and Controller functions required by the IEEE 488.2 standard. The PC/104-GPIB includes a license for the NI-488.2 driver software, which provides high performance and maximum reliability for connecting to third-party instruments using GPIB. The PC/104-GPIB is software- and register-compatible with the AT-GPIB/TNT.
PXIe-8830MC, Intel Core i7 Processor PXI MultiComputing Processing Module
The PXIe‑8830mc allows two or more intelligent systems to exchange data using PCI Express technology. Featuring an Intel quad-core processor, the NI PXIe‑8830mc can be installed in any PXI Express peripheral slot. It runs on the LabVIEW Real‑Time OS and can act as a coprocessor to offload the processing from the main embedded controller in the system.
acA3088-57uc, Color USB3 Vision, 6 MP, 57 FPS Area Scan Camera
The acA3088-57uc is a Color Basler Ace USB3 Vision Camera with a 6 MP resolution and a maximum image acquisition speed of 57 frames per second. The acA3088-57uc uses a IMX178 sensor and is quality tested and calibrated for high performance and reliability. This camera can be used with NI hardware and software to build machine vision systems.
acA2440-75uc, Color USB3 Vision, 5 MP, 75 FPS Area Scan Camera
The acA2440-75uc is a Color Basler Ace USB3 Vision Camera with a 5 MP resolution and a maximum image acquisition speed of 75 frames per second. The acA2440-75uc uses a IMX250 sensor and is quality tested and calibrated for high performance and reliability. This camera can be used with NI hardware and software to build machine vision systems.
acA4024-8gc, Color GigE Vision, 12 MP, 8 FPS Area Scan Camera
The acA4024-8gc is a Color Basler Ace GigE Vision Camera with a 12 MP resolution and a maximum image acquisition speed of 8 frames per second. The acA4024-8gc uses a IMX226 sensor and is quality tested and calibrated for high performance and reliability. This camera can be used with NI hardware and software to build machine vision systems.
PCI-6509, 96-Channel, 5 V, TTL/CMOS, 24 mA, PCI Digital I/O Device
The PCI-6509 can directly drive external digital devices such as solid-state relays (SSRs). You can configure each port for input or output, and no external power supply is required for outputs. Using programmable power-up … states, you can configure the initial output states in software to ensure glitch-free, safe operations when connected to industrial actuators. If a computer or application fault occurs, the PCI-6509 can use digital I/O watchdogs to switch to a configurable safe output state to ensure detection and safe recovery from fault conditions. Programmable input filters eliminate glitches/spikes and provide debouncing for digital switches/relays through a software-selectable digital filter.