Teseda Corporation
Teseda's powerful hardware and software tools enable cost-effective solutions which have dramatically improved our customer's productivity and profitability. Our Vision continues to be that of offering customers the maximum benefits in time and money savings with a competitive range of Hardware and Software products.
- 503 223 3315
- 503 223 3316
- info@teseda.com
- 6105 S Macadam Avenue,
Suite 100
Portland, OR 97239
United States
Field Triage System™
Developed with our customer’s Remote Customer Quality Engineers, who support their customers with rapid in-field failure analysis.
DI Lab System™
Comprehensive Product Engineering and Failure Analysis Lab system for complete device analysis and physical defect isolation.
Diagnostic Test System™
The original Teseda system for bench-top stimulus, test pattern debug, validation, device failure mode stimulation in-situ with other Failure Analysis lab equipment such as an EMMI, etc.
Defect Isolation
*Traverse through the physical design to trace nets and vias down to the defect location*Utilizes industry standard LEF/DEF design files, scan-based test information, tester fail logs and diagnostic reports to determine and isolate the physical defect location*Enables the user to leverage their diagnostic experience to determine the root cause of the defect*Interactive layout viewer displays scan chains, mapped mismatches of scan cells, layers, nets and subnets with search capabilities(component...show more