Gesellschaft für Mikroelektronikanwendung Chemnitz mbH
The company headquarters of GEMAC mbH turn out to be very long-standing already: At this place where once Wanderer Werke were based in, today more than hundred employees are working every day in the departments of research, development and production for sensor technology, measuring technique and ASIC-Design.
- +49 371 3377- 0
- +49 371 3377- 272
- Zwickauer Straße 227
Chemnitz, D-09116
Diagnosis Device
Gesellschaft für Mikroelektronikanwendung Chemnitz mbH
The CANtouch is a battery operated handheld diagnosis device for physical and logical CAN bus analysis. With its modern touch control it allows an intuitive and efficient handling without an additional computer.
Measuring Device
CAN-Bus Tester 2
Gesellschaft für Mikroelektronikanwendung Chemnitz mbH
The CAN-Bus Tester 2 is a widely used measuring device for control of bus parameters. The success story starts already in year 2002 with the first model. The hardware was completely redesigned in version 2. The corresponding software is still developed and has been enhanced with extensive updates.
Software Tool
Gesellschaft für Mikroelektronikanwendung Chemnitz mbH
is the most used CAN software tool in our house. It is used for developing, setup and monitoring of CAN networks. Because it is network capable, it is not necessary to be present at the measure place.
Analysis Tool
Gesellschaft für Mikroelektronikanwendung Chemnitz mbH
The CANalarm is a low priced analysis tool that can be installed in the bus permanently. It makes it possible to build up a separate and redundant monitor without change of configuration and program of the master controller. It works passive and is therefore non reactive
Diagnose Tool
Gesellschaft für Mikroelektronikanwendung Chemnitz mbH
The CANobserver® is a diagnose tool that's used for physical and logical long-term monitoring of CAN-Busplants. It has been planned as a stationary supplement of the CAN-Bus Tester 2. The CANobserver® is implemented into the network permanently, monitors the data transfer continuously and records itautomatically for a period of up to ten years. This is the only means of safeguarding a future-orientedmaintenance. VDI/VDE has recognized this necessity as well. The new guideline 2184, published in 2007, explains how plant operators can guarantee a reliable functioning and maintenance of their Field Bussystems