Megaron Ltd.
Our products are made with the best samples of domestic and imported element base, are in great demand at the industrial enterprises of Russia, as well as consumers and repairers of computer and household equipment.
- +7 (812) 327-57-78
- +7 (812) 327-58-01
- Bypass channel, 217,
accomodation 48
Saint Petersburg,
Russian Federation
Lead-acid Storage Battery Analyzer
Mega Series
The Express-estimation of a condition of the lead-acid chemical power sources. The Analyzer allows to estimate of the power characteristics of the battery during 5-15 seconds without carrying out of long control electric tests.
Analyzers of batteries
LLC "Megaron" develops and manufactures instruments for measuring parameters of various chemical current sources, devices for testing batteries. This equipment of varying complexity, from simple, designed for a specific battery, with the possibility to universal computer monitoring processes.
Lead-acid Storage Battery Analyzer
From the beginning of 2006 the verification of measurements of the analyzer of lead-acid chemical sources developed by Company "Megaron" is spent in Test laboratory "Neva-Reglament". The analyzer is intended for the express-estimation of a condition of lead-acid batteries: before the first use of new battery (an estimation of the electric characteristics declared by the manufacturer); during the battery operation (an estimation of a condition and working capacity at real application).