Validyne Engineering
A leading manufacturer of pressure transducers, pressure transmitters, signal conditioning in rack mount format and in portable units for field testing, and data acquisition systems with expandable chassis designs as well as PC based products for industrial and laboratory testing applications.
- (818) 886-2057
- (818) 886-6512
- 8626 Wilbur Avenue
Northridge, CA 91324
United States
Data Acquisition PCI Card
The UPC2100 PCI Sensor Interface card provides real-world data acquisition and control for your PC. Up to 16 sensor inputs in any mix or combination are accepted by the UPC2100. No external signal conditioning is required. The UPC2100 includes configuration and data acquisition software and is compatible with C#, .NET, C++, Visual Basic, LabView.
Digital Panel Mount Manometer
The PS409 self-contained digital indicator and pressure sensor is ideally suited for test panels in industrial and laboratory applications where accurate low-Pressure readings are required.
Draft Range Trasmitter
The Validyne Model DR800 Draft Range Transmitter is designed exclusively for very low pressure measurement needs. It has a "true" full-scale range as low as 0.25" H2O, making it ideal for air flow control applications. It can be turned down to 0.1" H2O; higher full-scale ranges to 100" H2O are available. The DR800 offers 0.5% accuracy and an operating temperature range of -20F to +185F. The total combined temperature effects are less than 3%/100F.
High Line Pressure Transducer
The P365D transducer is designed to make low differential pressure measurements at high static line pressures. Operating from unregulated 9 to 55Vdc, the P365D is available with 4-20mA, 5Vdc or isolated 5Vdc output over full scale pressure ranges from 8 to 10,000 psid. The output shift due to static pressure will not exceed 3% of full scale, up to a line pressure of 10,000 psig.
High Line Pressure Variable Reluctance Pressure Sensor to 10,000 psid
The DP360 can be calibrated for a full scale as low as ±50 psid while withstanding high static line pressure. Low differential pressure may be measured at static pressures as high as 10,000 psig with a maximum 3% FS zero shift error.
HVAC Pressure Transmitter
The DP850/851 transmitters are designed for low pressure measurement in HVAC applications. The DP850 is available in full scale pressure ranges as low as 0.25 inH2O and the DP851 can be ranged to 0.025 inH2O full scale. Both models are available in 4-20 mA or 0 to +5 Vdc signal output options.
Pressure Sensor Interface
The USB2251 Pressure Sensor Interface provides real-world data acquisition for your PC via the USB port. 8 calibrated variable reluctance pressure sensor inputs are accepted by the USB2251. No external signal conditioning is required.The USB2251 includes a connector panel for sensor cables, calibration constants for each sensor , configuration and data acquisition software. The USB2251 produces a floating-point value for all readings, directly in engineering units.The USB2251 can record pressure readings up to 5000 samples per second. Combined with the fast response of the Validyne VR pressure sensors, the USB2251 is ideal for transient pressure studies. The USB2251 is compatible with the following Validyne variable reluctance pressure sensors: AP10, DP103, DP10, DP45, DP15 DP360, DP215, and DP363. Each sensor is calibrated with the USB2251 at the factory and is ready to make measurements.
ReCalibration and Post Calibration Software
The SI58 software allows the user to set zero and span as well as do full temperature compensation and linearity corrections for your Validyne USB pressure transducer. The SI58 provides everything needed to change the range of your transducer and calibrate it through the new full scale pressure. Corrections to non-linearity and temperature error are also possible. The SI58 software provides prompts to the operator for temperature and pressure points to achieve an accurate calibration.
Ruggedized Pressure Transducer
The P24 Differential Pressure Transducer is the combination of a variable reluctance pressure transducer and a miniature carrier demodulator integrated into a single package to provide for operation from mobile dc power and deliver a standardized dc output suitable for recording or telemetry.
Single-Channel USB Carrier Demodulator
The Validyne model CD17 is a USB-powered carrier demodulator for Validyne variable reluctance pressure sensors such as the DP15, DP45 and DP103. The CD17 allows any Validyne variable reluctance sensor to be used directly with a PC via the USB port. Communication and power via USB interface provides remote zero and span adjustment as well as digital pressure readings in mV/V. Drivers and software for the USB interface are included.
Speed Pick-up
The Validyne SU63 is an AC inductive speed pick-up used for RPM measurement on high-speed rotating equipment. The SU63 is a tightly-wound coil with a laminated core that can be conveniently mounted on rotating equipment so that the magnetic field of a magnetized nut or part passes through the coil windings. The moving magnetic field produces a voltage within the coil proportional to its rate of change and the strength of the permanent magnetized part. The frequency of this inductive voltage spike is fed into an oscilloscope or counter to determine RPM.
Test and Measurement Grade Pressure Transducer for CAN Bus
The P896 is a test and measurement grade pressure transducer for applications requiring high accuracy and outstanding performance through ambient temperature changes. The P896 is digitally compensated and corrected to provide high accuracy pressure measurement in a robust cylindrical form factor.
Ultra Low Pressure Transmitter
Validyne's P532 Pressure Transmitters are ideally suited for measuring extremely low liquid and gas pressures in industrial applications. Full-scale differential pressure ranges from 0.10 H2O to 2 H2O with line pressure rating of 100 psig, and ranges of 2 H2O to 3200 psid with line pressures up to 3200 psig are offered. Gauge pressure ranges start at 0.10 H2O and absolute pressure from 0.08 psia full-scale. This unique design, which utilizes a diaphragm-type variable reluctance pressure sensor, provides many outstanding advantages including:
USB-COM Data Logger
The USB-COM Utility is a free data logging andconfiguration program for use with the Validyneseries of USB or Serial pressure transducers.USB-COM Utility also comes in a premiumversion that allows up to eight signals to begraphed simultaneously while being recorded toa .csv file. The graph X and Y axis may bescaled to any values set by the user. A separatehistorical graph provides a complete visualrecord of the signals from the start of logging.
Wet-Wet Differential Pressure Sensor
The DP303 features "take-apart" construction enabling the user to easily disassemble the unit for cleaning or to change full scale range by exchanging the sensing diaphragm. As noted from the Pressure Range/Diaphragm Selection Chart on the reverse side of this Data Sheet, a family of interchangeable diaphragms are available to cover virtually any full scale pressure range from 0.08 psid full scale to 5,000 psid full scale-all rated for operation at 5,000 psig line pressure!