PSE Instruments GmbH
PSE Instruments GmbH is a team of solar professionals that takes on projects to assist solar research institutions and solar companies. We provide a range of equipment for testing of solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic modules.
- +49-761-47914-0
- +49-761-47914-44
- Hanferstr. 4
Freiburg, 79108
IV Curve Tracer
In recent years, we have been developing a sophisticated IV curve tracer for PV modules including a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) function. The IV curve tracer is designed for operation with any market-available steady-state solar simulator. Through our web-based software design, the operator can supervise the test results from every computer in a company network. The software contains functions such as an irradiation sum counter that helps to check requirements stated in a stabilization more -
Steady-state Solar Simulator For PV Modules
In certification laboratories for photovoltaic modules, steady-state solar simulators are mostly used for stabilization / light soaking tests (MQT 19) and hot-spot endurance tests (MQT 09) according to IEC 61215 and IEC 61730. An initial stabilization is required for all PV modules that undergo a standard test procedure. For the hot-spot endurance test (MQT 09), it is important that the operator has easy access to the front and back site of the module. During the test, it is necessary to shade more -
UV Chamber
In PV modules, many different components are exposed to the sunlight. Therefore, the IEC 61215 defines a UV preconditioning test (MQT 10) to test whether these components can withstand the UV radiation of the sun. In our test chamber, the UV radiation is up to five times the sun intensity to accelerate the test, as requested in the UV preconditioning test.
Mechanical Load Tester
Solar modules and collectors, whether on roofs, in façades, or freestanding, are often exposed to high mechanical stress or load: A deep layer of snow or strong winds can greatly affect the materials and connections. Mechanical load test stands accurately test the durability of PV modules and thermal solar collectors.
Hail Impact Tester
Hailstorms can cause severe damage to modules and collectors. Our test stand enables you to carry out tests according to international standards. The hail impact test stand uses an air-pressurized launcher that shoots ice balls representing hailstones of a predetermined size at the module or collector mounted on the support frame.
Outdoor Exposure Tester
A comprehensive analysis of PV modules includes many different parameters. Determining the normal module operating temperature (NMOT), incidence angle effects and comparing soiling effects on different modules up to the initial degradation of PV modules are all parameters that can be analyzed with our outdoor exposure tester. The tester comes with up to twelve electronic loads installed in a 19" rack. The loads have two main functions: maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and IV curve tracing. more -
Peel-off Tester For PV Module Laminate
The connection between the laminate and all other components of a PV module are essential for a high durability and long lifetime of PV modules. Only when the laminate protects the electrical components from humidity and water is a good insulation guaranteed.
Electrical Safety Tester
PSE AG has developed an electrical safety test that combines different tests for the testing of PV modules. With our four-in-one tester it is possible to test the following according to IEC 61215-2 and IEC 61730:
Bypass Diode Tester
Our bypass diode thermal tester is designed to assess the adequacy of the thermal design and long-term reliability of PV modules bypass diodes, which are used to limit the detrimental effects of module hot spot susceptibility.
Module Breakage Tester
The tester is used to provide confidence that the risk of physical injuries can be minimized if the PV module is broken in its specified installation. The module breakage test is specified in the IEC 61730 (MST 32).
PID Testing Equipment
The potential induced degradation (PID) is addressed with the standard IEC TS 62804-1. The standard defines two methods that enable analyzing occurring PID effects in a specific PV module type. PSE AG offers the necessary equipment for the test in a climate chamber. The test equipment can work with any climate chamber on the market and is delivered turnkey. It comes with all necessary equipment, high voltage power sources, sensors, data acquisition and software.
Power Supply Rack For Climatic Cycling Test
One essential part of the module quality testing according to IEC 61215 is the thermal cycling test (MQT 11) and humidity freeze test (MQT 12). Besides the environment simulation in the climate chamber, it is necessary to energize the PV modules during specific parts of the test.
Steady State Solar Simulator
Our steady state solar simulators enable you to test and develop solar thermal collectors independent of weather and season, faster, more efficiently and more comprehensively than ever before. Both simulators are turnkey products, delivered 100 % ready to go!
Specialized Machines And Custom Test Stands
PSE AG has been developing test stands for many years for a wide variety of clients and uses. If you don’t see exactly the specialized test stand you need for your innovative research, we will design and develop it for you. The following are some examples of test stand solutions that we have developed in cooperation with research institutes and industry clients:
For regions with stable weather conditions, PSE provides two outdoor bi-axial trackers, which keep test samples perpendicular to the sun. PSE trackers are designed for outdoor testing and certification of both solar thermal collectors and PV modules. With our trackers it is possible to test more than one collector at the same time. Simultaneous collector testing can allow direct comparison of different collector designs under identical conditions or increase the measurement throughput of collectors and modules. In our product line we offer the following tracking systems: