Laplace Instruments Ltd.
The home of practical EMC Compliance test equipment
- +44 (0) 16 92 40 20 70
- +44 (0) 16 92 40 49 10
- Tudor House
Grammar School Road
North Walsham, Norfolk NR28 9JH
United Kingdom
Filter Results By:
Power amplifiers that are universally used for radiated immunity testing either cover the range below 1GHz or the range above 1GHz. This means that if the test requirement extends both sides of this 1GHz point, the power amplifier needs to be changed over. Genrally, this involves three connections... The LETIS handles all these connections automatically. Each is switched via a high performance RF relay under the control of a USB interface. Software issued with the Laplace Synthesisers automatically detects the presence of a LETIS and handles the switching automatically.
Power Amplifiers
RF Range
The RF power amplifier range from Laplace is specifically designed for EMC Immunity testing. These are compact units with characteristics matched to the requirements of IEC standards.
Test Cells (
LaplaCells provide a facility for the rapid and efficient testing of the EMC compliance of products. These cells offer a calibrated and screened environment in which radiated emissions can be measured and immunity to RF radiation can be tested. They \re calibrated according to the methodology of IEC61000-4-20, thus affording compliant testing to IEC61000-4-3 and pre-compliance testing for radiated emission testing.
1GHz EMC Emissions Analyser
The SA1002 provides a high performance capability to measure the EMC compliance of your products. It covers the conducted emission and radiated emission bands to 1GHz, as required by most EMC standards. The included software is Windows compatible and simple to use. This powerful system automatically sets the analyser parameters to suit the test to be performed. Standard limits are available from simple pull-down menu. Results can be directly compared against these limits for easy checks on compliance status.
Near Field Probe Set
The RF100 probe set consists of a passive E field probe and H field probe, BNC adaptor and carry case. The output is via a BNC socket. These are general purpose probes which are ideal for use in conjunction with an EMC measuring system. They are sensitive to sources in close proximity, but are insensitive to background signals. This makes them ideal for the identification of emission frequencies in noisy environments... thus making measurements easier and quicker. The proximity requirement also enables sources to be located and the exit route identified.
The FTR Faultracker is a compact recording device which can be connected to up to 16 points in an electrical system. Any voltage from 12v to 240v can be connected. The FTR monitors the on/off status of each input. Any voltage above 6v is considered to be ON. An LED indicator on the front panel shows the status of each input. When set to logging, the FTR will log any and all 'events'. An event being the change of status of any input. Each event is logged strictly in the order it occurred with a date/time stamp. When logging is completed, the events can be stepped through one at a time so that cause/effect sequences can be analysed.
Filter Design System - Mode Analyser
The EA-300 is a stand alone unit with internal firmware and a large colour display. It connects to the outputs from a standard LISN and feeds the results to any standard EMC analyser or receiver. The EA-300 prompts the user through the steps necessary to fully characterise the emissions from the EUT, then will output via the screen the recommended filter component values that would reduce these emissions to acceptable levels.
Clean Power Source
The AC1000 achieves its unique price/performance ratio by actively adjusting the incoming mains waveform to produce a clean output. Other suppliers use convertor techniques to completely recreate the output from scratch. Our solution delivers an output which achieves the required THD with the minimum of hardware and expense. It includes the ability to switch the correction in or out so that the original waveform can be observed and measured if required. Overload and thermal protection systems are built-in and produce an audible warning if activated.
Antennas for EMC testing
The Laplace antennas cover 3 main groups...*Conventional log periodic types for OATS applications.*Miniature antennas for chamber and small enclosure applications.*Large loop antenna for EN55015 compliance testing.