Bus Analyzer, Exerciser, Emulator, and Programmer
CAS-1000-I2C/E - Corelis, Inc.
While the I²C interface seems simple on the surface, this straightforward architecture is not immune to intermittent glitches, device misbehaviors, and protocol violations. Likewise, tracking down these errors can be tedious business if the right tool is not utilized.
The CAS-1000-I2C/E bus analyzer is an exceptional tool for pinpointing I2c irregularities. The ability to spot complex problems and identify invisible obstacles make it the preferred I²C development solution. Advanced logging, debugging, emulation, and verification capabilities offer power and versatility, yet the Windows-based user interface makes the most complex features simple to use.
The CAS-1000-I2C/E succeeds where simple monitoring and interactive I/O tools fall short—a complete solution to monitoring, emulating, stressing, and characterizing I²C and SMBus interfaces.