High Performance Data Acquisition
CPCI-AD8 - ALPHI Technology Corporation (ALPHI Technology)
The CPCI-AD8/16 module provides a 3U high performance data acquisition subsystem. There are (8) eight or (16) sixteen 100/200 KSPS ADC’s for maximum performance. The Local DSP can be used to simply move data samples to the CPCI bus or can provide processing functions such as limit checking, FFT’s, digital filtering, etc. Software can be downloaded to the DSP via the CPCI interface.
Instrumentation amplifiers provide over-voltage protection and gain on a per channel basis. The CPCI-AD8/16 can also accept external scan and trigger signals from a front panel connector.
Data Acquisition Module
Format: cPCI
SCSI (Female): Quantity: 1 Connector Positions: 50