Color and Monochrome Camera
DP74 - Olympus Corp.
The DP74 color camera for fluorescence not only advances the speed and ease with which you can obtain detailed, accurate images but also introduces for the first time the concept of Intelligent Imaging. With Intelligent Imaging, the camera analyzes the live image and automatically applies its technology to reduce processing time and produce quality images of even dim and challenging samples. Furthermore the camera can follow your stage movements to create in real-time a panoramic image with mapped zoom-outs, a great time saver for documenting your sample. The DP74’s wide field of view and unsurpassed live speed provide an on-screen experience closely matching the traditional ocular view, thanks to its expertly calibrated colors. Maximize your investment return on a shared laboratory instrument with the camera’s top resolution of 20.7 megapixels and the capability to work with brightfield and fluorescent samples alike. These features are compatible with any microscope, whether manual or motorized, making the DP74 a perfect solution for a smarter and faster imaging workflow.