2 GHz to 6 GHz, 25 W Power Amplifier Module
HMC7748 - Analog Devices Inc. (ADI)
The HMC7748 is a multistage power amplifier (PA) that provides 25 W of saturated output power across the band of 2 GHz to 6 GHz. It draws 0.7 A from a 12 V supply and up to 4 A from a 28 V supply. Input signals of as much as −8 dBm are acceptable, and the module has small signal gain of 60 dB. The 12 V supply is regulated internally and generates the negative voltage required for the gate bias. Built-in bias sequencing prevents the drain voltages for the amplifier stages from being applied without the negative voltage present, which protects the amplifiers if 28 V is applied without 12 V supply applied.