VOA DWDM with EDFA With VOA, EDFA Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexer
DWDA-1000 (100GHz) - Hangzhou Huatai Optic Tech. Co., Ltd.
Huatai DWDA-1000 series is integrated by DWDM, VOA and EDFA module in a 1RU or 3D rack. Each channel of DWDM with a high-resolution factor electronic control adjustable optical attenuator will adjust and equilibrium the power. The insertion loss, power loss because of the channel equilibrium of DWDM will be amplified and compensation by the build-in gain flatness EDFA. Compact and simple device structure, thereby reducing the connections between devices to improve the index and reliability of the system. Can be used in DWDM system power equilibrium, optical add and drop multiplexed (OADW) flexible and expediently.