S2 Blinx Digital Sensors
ULP-S2 BLINX - Optomistic Products (Optomistic Products)
The Universal LightProbe S2 Blinx Digital is designed for the simple ON/OFF test of any color blinking or steady-state LED, for fast results with a digital output. The Universal LightProbe S2 Blinx Digital Sensors check the ON/OFF status of any color LED, whether stable or blinking/pulsed, up to a rate of 15 Hz, and provide a Logic “1” output (5 volts) only if the LED is “ON” and a Logic “0” if the LED is “OFF.”
Operating temperature range: 0oC to 70oC
Power consumption: Operates from +5, 12, 24 or 28 volts D.C., at 6mA max.
Voltage protection: Withstands up to +40 volts, & reverse polarity to -18 volts
Signal Output Load: 20mA max. (Source/Sink). Non-inductive
Output Pins: 3 gold-plated standard wire-wrap pins (0.025 in. sq.)
Sensor Size: 0.560 in. dia x 1.38 in. long
Operating Temperature Range: 0hC to 70hC
Typical response times: <66mS, shorter for brighter LEDs
Fiber-Optic Probes: Wide Aperture Fiber-Optic Probe recomended