Trace Gas Analyzer
PTR-TOF 4000 - Ionicon Analytik Ges.m.b.H.
The new PTR-TOF 4000 is a compact, ultra-sensitive & high-resolution IONICON PTR-TOF real-time trace VOC analyzer. It is our first high-resolution PTR-TOFMS built into the same small and lightweight layout known from our successful PTR-TOF 1000 series. It also features the new hexapole ION-GUIDE technology for increased sensitivity and resolution. The PTR-TOF 4000 thus allows you to benefit from both high mass resolving power and high-sensitivity. Like the other instruments built on this platform also the PTR-TOF 4000 demonstrated its reliability and robustness but also its remarkable technical abilities and speed during various international campaigns (e.g. NASA's KORUS-AQ).