VHF/UHF Handheld Signal Location Antennas
Type NVF-2 - National RF, Inc
The Type NVF-2 series of handheld directional antennas are used to locate interfering signals or noise in either the 420 – 470 MHz (Type NVF-2A) or the 900 MHz ISM band or cellular telephone bands (Type NVF-2B). Both models incorporate a solid reflector positioned behind a resonated half wave driven element, both elements being mounted on a fiberglass rod with an integral pistol grip. The configuration of the reflector and driven element are such that a deep null in the signal being received will occur when the antenna is pointed in the direction of the signal being radiated. A T-pad resistive attenuator is also incorporated in the antenna mounting enclosure to aid in the direction finding process on very strong signals or when excessive reflections present multiple returns.