LXI Series
AMETEK VTI Instruments (AMETEK Programmable Power Inc.)
LXI instruments range from LXI modules that plug into a chassis to standalone instruments that have dedicated LXI and hardware trigger bus connections. These instruments can be configured to measure many types of variables to precise values. Some of these instruments also incorporate 6.5-digit DMMs as well as user-programmable digital alarm circuits.
- Platforms
- LXI Series
- PXI Express Data Acquisition Platform
- VXI Series
LXI Mainframes
The EX1200 family is the highest density switch and data acquisition instrument on the market with the ability to mix low-level, power, and RF switch modules in a single mainframe. This scalable family of products is designed to leverage capital investments in one common hardware and software platform that can be used in development, manufacturing, and field service. Mix and match a variety of modules to build a comprehensive signal switching subsystem that can be supplemented with precision analog and digital I/O modules.
Full-Featured Thermocouple and Voltage Measurement Instruments
EX10XX Series
EX10XX Series - AMETEK VTI Instruments
A wide range of measurement types, including pressure, strain, temperature, position and voltage, can be performed using this instrument when combined with the EX10SC signal conditioning expansion chassis. Each input incorporates an independent signal conditioning path with software selectable filters for maximum flexibility.
Modular and Scalable Multifunction Switch/Measure Units
EX1200 Series
EX1200 Series - AMETEK VTI Instruments
The EX1200 product family is a modular and scalable series of multifunction switch/measure units that can be configured to address a variety of applications in the mechanical data acquisition and electronic test environments.
Full-Featured Data Acquisition with Isolation and High-Speed Measurement
EX1400 Series
EX1400 Series - AMETEK VTI Instruments
The AMETEK VTI Instruments EX1400 Product family features the EX1401 and the EX1403A. The EX1401 adds isolation and high-speed measurement capability to the popular EX1000 Series of instruments, an advanced, full-featured data acquisition family designed to acquire precision data from temperature and voltage sensors. The EX1403A Precision Bridge and Strain Gauge Instrument sets a new standard for strain and bridge measurements, delivering the highest performance measurements possible while controlling overall test hardware costs. Browse each product below to learn more or request a quote.
48-Channel High Performance Strain Gauge Measurement Instrument
EX1629 - AMETEK VTI Instruments
48-Channel High Performance Strain Gauge Measurement InstrumentSupports quarter-bridge (120, 350Ω or user defined), half-bridge or full-bridge24-bit ADCs, sampling rates up to 25 kSa/sBuilt in programmable differential excitation -8V to 8VBuilt in selectable bridge completionConfigure signal conditioning excitation and bridge completion on a per channel basisSimple, low-cost wiring using RJ-45 telecom connectorsSupports TEDS for easy transducer detection and setupRJ-45 input connector reduces setup cost and timeBuilt in self-calibration and shunt calibrationSupports voltage, ratiometric and linear measurements other than strain measurements.
Scalable Microwave Subsystems with Open-Architecture Ethernet/LXI Platform
EX7000 Series
EX7000 Series - AMETEK VTI Instruments
The EX7000 family is the industry’s first series of scalable microwave subsystems built on an open-architecture Ethernet/LXI platform. This innovative family of products simplifies the development of custom RF Interface Units (RFIU) requirements with its common hardware platform and software communications interface, while maintaining the look and feel of a standard COTS product.
RX Series
The RX product family includes 24-channel IEPE/voltage instruments (RX0424), 24-channel high performance bridge measurements (RX0124), 24-channel high performance charge vibration measurements (RX0224), and 32-channel thermocouple measurement systems (RX1032).VTI Instruments’s family of rugged instrumentation is designed and built to operate in some of the most extreme environmental conditions imaginable, without compromising measurement accuracy or performance.
The use of switching systems to route instrumentation and stimulus signals to appropriate test points on a unit under test has a very crucial role to play in most electronics test systems. The sharing of test resources, connection of calibration references, load management, and many other functions are all managed by the switching system, the switching system acts as the interface between the unit under test (UUT) and the test equipment.