High Temperature Infrared Thermometer
PIRT30 - Pyle Audio Inc. (Pyle)
Modern Housing DesignBuilt-in Laser PointerType K Temperature Measurements20 Point MemoryAutomatic Capture Emissivity for TargetingLaser TargetingLCD With BacklightCelsius or Fahrenheit ModesLaser On/Off SwitchAutomatic Power OffDisplay Hold FunctionOptical Resolution (Distance to Spot Size): 13:1Temperature Range: -50 to 550 C, -58 to 1022 FTemperature Resolution: 0.1Type K Temperature Range: -50 to 1370 C, -58 to 2498 FType K Temperature Resolution: 0.1 up to 2000, 1 over 2000Response Time: <1 sec.Basic Accuracy: +/- 1.5% of ReadingEmissivity: Adjustable 0.10 - 1.0Dimensions: 7.09' H x 4.21' W x 1.57' DWeight: 4.76 oz.Sold as : Unit