Stream & Video Quality Analysis System
VQTS-300 - VideoQ Inc
VQTS-300 is a self-contained solution, combining:
HDMI/DVI, Display Port or LVDS grabber - one of Unigraf UFG-04 range capture cards, order option
Powerful stream analysis tools - Unigraf UFG-04 software
Sophisticated image quality analyzer - VideoQ VQMA3 software
Ideal tool for development labs, software developers and high volume manufacturers
Easy-to-use tool, instantly revealing your source-sink link status, video camera or other video device performance
User-selectable reporting modes:
machine-readable file with Pass/Fail marks
detailed multi-page PDF document
Manual and automated performance measurement of HDM/DPI links, video cameras and/or video processors
Via optional SDI-HDMI adapter VQTS-300 measures the performance of 3G-SDI/HD-SDI video processors