Highland Technology is a member of VITA, the VME standards body, and continues to release new technology into the VME market. As other bus architectures come and go, Highland remains confident that VME will maintain its position as the architecture of choice for essential, long life cycle programs.
VME PCI Express Crate Controller
V120 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V120 is a VME bus master crate controller, usable as a crate slot 0 arbiter or as a secondary controller. Each PCI Express cable driver board, in a PC backplane, can drive one to four V120s over standard, flexible PCI Express cable assemblies up to 7 meters long.
VXI PCI Express Crate Controller
V124 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V124 is a VXI bus master crate controller, usable as a crate slot 0 arbiter or as a secondary controller. Each PCI Express cable driver board, in a PC backplane, can drive one to four V124s over standard, flexible PCI Express cable assemblies up to 7 meters long.
16-Channel VME AC Power Analysis Module
V180 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V180 is a single-width VME module that allows accurate and comprehensive measurement of AC power circuits. The V180 acquires powerline current and voltage inputs using approved current transformers and model C750 remote potential transducers.
64-Channel VME Relay Module
V210 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V210 is a single-wide, 6U VME module that includes 64 SPDT relays and drivers. User-settable DIP switches set the A16/A24 VME address mode, VME address, and select whether the relays are statically operated or operate in latching mode, where relay states are sustained when VME crate power is off.
12-Channel VME Current Loop/Process Control I/O Module
V220 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V220 is ideal for driving and sensing transducers in computer or PLC-based control systems. It can also be used to simulate complex industrial processes to control systems under development and certification.
64-Channel VME Analog Input Module
V230 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V230 provides high channel-count data acquisition for dense monitoring applications. The 64 channels are individually programmable for both input range and filtering. The three input ranges slightly exceed ±10 V, ±1 V, and ±100 mV, allowing confident measurements all the way to the end of common signaling ranges.
64-Channel VME Digital Input/Output Module
V250 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V250 is a single-wide, 6U VME module that provides 64 non-isolated channels of digital input/output. Each 16-channel bank shares programmable pull-ups and input thresholds with a range of 0 to +10 volts.
48-Channel VME Isolated Digital Input Module
V280 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V280 is a single-wide, 6U VME module that includes 48 isolated logic inputs. It is available in versions for nominal 5 volt or 24 volt input levels. The V280 has independently programmable rising and falling edge response times to support contact debounce, glitch catching, and DC or AC inputs.
8-Channel VME 32 MHz Arbitrary Waveform Generator
V344 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V344 provides eight independent digitally synthesized waveform outputs, each programmable for frequency, amplitude, and phase.
8-Channel VME Function Generator
V340 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V340 provides eight independent DDS-synthesized waveform outputs, each programmable for frequency and amplitude. Any output may be switched to a front-panel test connector, allowing in-crate calibration check without removing field cables.
8-Channel VME 32 MHz Arbitrary Waveform Generator
V346 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V346 provides eight independent digitally synthesized waveform outputs, each programmable for frequency, amplitude, and phase.
8-Channel VME Tachometer
V360 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V360 is a single-width, 6U height VME module designed specifically to acquire low frequency inputs from industrial speed sensors. The module can measure frequency and period over a wide dynamic range, and is specifically designed to ensure reliable measurement in high-noise industrial environments.
8-Channel VME Tachometer
V365 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V365 is a single-width, 6U height VME module designed specifically to acquire low frequency inputs from industrial speed sensors. The module can measure frequency and period over a wide dynamic range, and is specifically designed to ensure reliable measurement in high-noise industrial environments.
4-Channel VME Arbitrary Waveform Generator
V375 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V375 is a versatile VME four-channel arbitrary waveform generator. The module architecture was designed in cooperation with major aircraft engine and power systems manufacturers to provide the features needed for accurate simulation of real-world sensor inputs.
8-Channel VME Strain Gauge/Weighing Module
V380 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V380 is a VME/VXI compatible eight-channel strain-gauge signal conditioner which is optimized for load-cell weighing applications. The module includes tare (zero reference), DSP-based high-order filtering, averaging, triggered weighing, and other functions not commonly available in conventional strain-gauge signal conditioners.
8-Channel VME Strain Gauge/Load Cell Module
V385 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V385 is a VME/VXI compatible eight-channel strain-gauge signal conditioner applicable to generic bridge-type transducer applications. The V385 adds individual remote-sensed excitation supplies to each channel, increasing its precision over the V380's single excitation supply.
8-Channel VME Isolated Resistance Simulator
V420 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V420 is an 8-channel, isolated, programmable resistance simulator. It uses entirely solid-state simulation to eliminate transient errors associated with relay switching, and provide for monotonic resistance changes. Channels are individually programmable in four resistance ranges, from 5 ohms to 65.5K. Channels can operate from microvolts up to 35V / 50mA. Overload protection and channel error detection are included.
16-Channel VME RTD/Resistance Input Module
V410 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V410 is a 6U VME module that provides sixteen independent analog inputs that may be used to read RTDs, thermistors, and other similar resistive sensors. It can also read cryogenic diodes. Users may set input range and adjust other settings at VMEbus speed, and depending on the range selected the microprocessor will do the necessary calculations and output voltage, resistance, or temperature. Temperature conversion is available for 100Ω and 1000Ω, series 385 and 392, platinum RTDs.
16-Channel VME Analog/Thermocouple Input Module
V450 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V450 is a 16-channel 24-bit VME isolated analog-to-digital converter module which can acquire a wide range of DC voltages, including thermocouple readings with automatic cold junction compensation. Each channel is independently isolated with it's own A/D converter, signal conditioning, input protection circuits, and test relay.
16-Channel VME Current Source & Analog Measurement Module
V460 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V460 is a VME-based versatile source/measurement unit. It includes a programmable constant-current source, a precision programmable gain 16-bit analog-to-digital converter, and a 4-wire, 16-channel analog multiplexer. An internal microprocessor supervises channel scanning according to user loaded parameters, reporting sensor voltage drops or, for selected sensor types, engineering-unit data.
16-Channel VME Analog Output/Thermocouple Simulator Module
V470 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V470 is a 6U VME module that provides sixteen independent, isolated analog outputs that may be user-programmed to operate as voltage outputs or thermocouple simulators. Users may write temperature or voltage values at VMEbus speed, and the microprocessor will transparently do all necessary calculations and update the channel electronics.
16-Channel VME Multi-Range Digitizer
V490 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V490 includes 16 independent acquisition channels, each with a programmable-gain differential amplifier, analog anti-aliasing filter, 16-bit analog-to-digital converter, and digital post-processing. With a dedicated A/D converter per channel, the V490 provides true simultaneous sampling, which can be extended across multiple V490s or triggered from an external TTL signal.
24-Channel VME Synchro/LVDT Simulation/Acquisition Module
V545 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V545 is a generalized- DSP-based sinewave processor intended for both simulation and acquisition of LVDTs, RVDTs, synchros, and resolvers. 24 generalized, isolated channels are provided. Each channel can be a signal source or a measurement input. Users can program any desired relationship between input and output channels, allowing simulation and measurement of a wide range of inductive transducers, using internal or external excitation.
8-Channel VME LVDT/RVDT Scanner
V550 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V550 is a 6U, one-slot VME module which will acquire position data from up to eight LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) position sensors. The LVDT sensors are excited by an ultrastable synthesized sinewave generator, and conditioned by a precision 16-bit A/D converter followed by digital signal processing. The resident microprocessor supervises scanning and signal conditioning, and places updated position data in VME-accessible dual-ported data registers for instant access from the VME bus.
12-Channel VME Picosecond Resolution Time-Interval Measurement Module
V660 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V660 is a 12-channel time-to-digital converter used to record the time of occurrence of twelve independent electrical pulse inputs, each independently timestamped and buffered in FIFO memory.
8-Channel VME Time-to-Digital Converter
V680 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V680 is an 8-channel time-to-digital converter used to record the time of occurrence of eight independent electrical pulse inputs, each measured relative to a single, common reference input. Each input channel can time its event "hit" with 48.82-picosecond resolution and 48-bit dynamic range.
6-Channel VME Buffered Electrical-to-Optical Converter
V720 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V720 is a six-channel logic-level electrical-to-optical converter, packaged as a single-width, 6U VME module. It may be used with compatible Highland optical receiver modules for fast, low-jitter, EMI-proof distribution of pulses, triggers, and precision timing signals.
6-Channel VME Optical-to-Electrical Converter
V730 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V730 is a six-channel logic-level optical-to-electrical converter, packaged as a single-width, 6U VME module. When used with compatible Highland optical transmitter modules, the V730 provides fast, low-jitter, EMI-proof distribution of pulses, triggers, and precision timing signals.
6-Channel VME Pulse Amplifier
V860 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V860 is a multichannel pulse amplifier packaged as a standard VME module. It accepts logic-level inputs and generates high-level, very fast positive output pulses.
8-Channel VME Delay Generator for Facility Timing Systems
V880 - Highland Technology, Inc.
The V880 is a VME-based system timing module, used to distribute picosecond-precision timing pulses across physically distributed facilities. The V880 receives a 155.52 MHz (OC3 rate) fiberoptic master timing signal and outputs eight local triggers.