Electrical Safety Test Equipment
Making a product “safe” requires an understanding of “hazards” that exist in each electrical product. Electrical shock is one of the four fundamental hazards. Because of that, it must be a part of any product electrical safety evaluation. Even though a product requires an electrical power source and uses electrical or electronic components, it should not present an electrical shock hazard to the user.
Ground bond or earth continuity testing prevents electrical shock hazards. Similarly to a fault to earth, test instruments generate a high current. The standard requires that the resistance between protective earth and any conductive surface on the equipment does not exceed 0,1 Ohm. The test is performed by applying a DC current between the conductive surface and protective earth. By measuring the voltage drop, it calculates the resistance.
RMO-E instruments are ideal for testing the protective bonding (grounding) of equipment following the standard IEC 61010-1. Applying current up to the value of 100 A and the ability to provide in the Contin menu (continuous operation) test current for the pre-set test duration (equal or exceeding 1 min) gives a user a possibility to easily check the protective bonding/grounding of the equipment. The full load voltage of 12 V assures proper measurement and accurate result. Finally, an instrument displays pass/fail classification according to user-preset parameters.