Dual Channel Digital Receiver
MS 1740 - Meltronics Systemtech
Dual Channel Digital Receiver is a complete high−frequency dual−channel A/D converter capable of sampling rates up to 210 MHz. It accepts two front panel analog inputs and delivers digital output samples over four FPDP (Front Panel Data Port) connectors utilizing FPDP standards. The Dual Channel Digital Receiver features two 12−bit Analog Devices AD9430 A/D Converters, and two user−configurable Xilinx® Virtex−IV Series FPGAs. It also features a VME A64/D64 slave interface for setting up operating modes and selectable A/D range, and optionally provides 32−bit access from the VMEbus to the FPGAs. It is an ideal system as a high−speed data acquisition front end for real time recording and digital signal processing systems.