Message Based Intelligent Interface Card
IIB-3910-VXI - Western Avionics Ltd.
The IIB-3910-VXI is message based intelligent interface card for dual redundant 3910 and 3838 applications. It gives full 3910 and 3838 test, simulation and bus analysis capability on the VXI bus, providing 3910, 3838 1553A, and 1553B variants in a single card. Each channel supports concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with passive Bus Monitor, and an independent Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM). Full error injection capability is provided in BC and RT modes, with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. The unit provides dual redundant prEN3715 compatible 3910 interface, with variable amplitude dual redundant 3838 interfaces. External trigger-in and trigger-out are provided, with both Primary and secondary bus coupling for direct and stub bus, with access to internal 1553 bus, on the front panel.