Software for the Development and Implementation of Test Programs using IEEE 1641
newWaveX Suite - Spherea Technology Ltd. (Spherea)
We Have a unique suite of tools to support the development and implementation of test programs created using IEEE 1641 to define the signals and tests. These include the entry-level version of newWaveX (newWaveX–Lite), the development versions of newWaveX (newWaveX–SD and newWaveX–PD) and the complete integrated development environment for IEEE 1641, SigBase. These tools provide everything necessary to work with IEEE 1641, from creating simple signals through to implementing and managing a complete 1641 test environment. All of our 1641 tools are commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) items that may be used stand-alone or integrated into a complete test development environment. newWaveX products may be integrated with third party test executives and associated software.
newWaveX is an intuitive user-friendly suite of products that does not require specialist training for users to acquire the skills to develop 1641 programs. Completing the IEEE 1641 User/Developer training course (which uses newWaveX Signal Development for the hands-on element), together with the associated 1 day newWaveX–SD User/Developer training course, provides complete information for the newWaveX user. Further support is provided for users of newWaveX packages under the maintenance agreements for those products.