Motion Control Components
Genmark Automation (Genmark Automation)
- Control of versatile robotic structures, including "yaw", "pitch" and "roll" motion capabilities
- S-curve velocity profiling, based on polynomial splines and Bernstein-Bezier curves
- Continuous path control in multi-segment smooth trajectories
- Synchronization of multiple axes
- Trajectory control with user defined velocity profiles
- Kinematical modeling of open and closed loop mechanisms
- Singularity consistent path planning and singularity avoidance
- Optimal PID filter tuning
- Automatic adjustment with respect to the surrounding equipment (cassettes, process stations, etc.)
- Tilting capabilities in terms of the end-effector frame
- Compensation for deflection of the end effector, the manipulated object and geometric in accuracies of the arm Scanning and Aligning Features
- Wafer mapping based on through-beam or reflective sensors
- Automatic detection of the planarity and the center of wafers and FPD
- Non contact FPD aligning. Misalignment compensation on the fly Safety
- Programmable travel limits
- Position tracking error detection
- Amplifier overload protection
- Emergency stop