Circuit Breaker Test Equipment
DV Power has released a new generation of circuit breaker test equipment for condition assessment of medium and high voltage circuit breakers.
Field-portable instruments with standalone or PC controlled functionality, allow performing various tests during circuit breaker manufacturing, commissioning and maintenance stages.
Applications supported by the DV Power test equipment include measurements of:
Contact resistance
DRM (dynamic resistance measurement)
Coil resistance and coil current (IEC 62271-100)
Mechanism charging time (IEC 62271-100)
Minimum trip voltage (IEC 56, ANSI C37.09)
Undervoltage release (IEC 60694)
The timing of a circuit breaker’s main, auxiliary and pre-insertion contacts
Synchronization between the contacts
Motion and velocity
“First trip” test
The essential part of a circuit breaker condition assessment is the ability to compare the latest test results with the previous testing. Accordingly, our instruments store measured values and compare them to a manufacturer’s limits. Also, a fingerprint obtained in this way can be used at a later stage as a reference during subsequent measurements. In order to obtain an accurate comparison, the tests need to be performed using identical test parameters. Consequently, any deviation and change in the test results may indicate the circuit breaker condition deterioration. Even more, to overcome this issue, DV-Win enables test plans and graph overlay features.
Finally, as a final result of a circuit breaker maintenance process, the DV-Win provides analytical tools and customized report creations.