Intelligent Interface Card
IIB-1553-VXI-4C - Western Avionics Ltd.
The IIB-1553-VXI-4C is an intelligent interface card which provides 4 independent channels for full MIL-STD-1553 test, simulation and bus analysis functions on the VXI bus. All 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 variants are supported. Each independent channel may be operated as a concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with a windowed Bus Monitor (BM), or as a stand-alone Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM) with comprehensive multi-level triggering capability. Full error injection capability is provided in BC and RT modes, with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. Each channel provides a variable amplitude dual redundant 1553 interface, with 2 Mbytes of dual ported RAM. The board is supplied with C drivers in source code and Windows menu driven software as standard.