AGC, SNMP, RFoG FTTB Optical receiver
RFoG4002, RFoG4004 - Hangzhou Huatai Optic Tech. Co., Ltd.
Huatai RFoG4002 ( two-port ), RFoG4004 ( four-port ), is a type of high-grade AGC, Network management, RFoG FTTB outdoor optical receiver. Various operating parameters of machine are microprocessor-controlled, LED display. Through the keys of machine can adjust and set EQ、ATT. Optional network transponder, implement remote network management. Large dynamic range of optical AGC characteristics, RFoG4002 ( two-port ), RFoG4004 ( four-port ) high output ,for FTTC, FTTN fiber access network. As a unit of CATV network RX, is a high performance, highly flexible, cost-effective CATV optical receiver.