Application-Specific Test Systems & Components
Ease system integration with Keysight System products and services. You can be sure you´re getting outstanding system-ready instruments, open software, and PC-standard I/O that give you the freedom to choose the best tools for your test, and the assurance that they´ll work together, every time.
Automotive Radar Test Solutions
Analyze and generate automotive radar signals across the full frequency range for 24 GHz, 77 GHz, and 79 GHz radar with scalable analysis bandwidth from 2.5 GHz to > 5 GHz
Aerospace & Defense ATE Systems and Services
TE solution design, development, and integrationMeasurement / Test Process analysis and consultationEasy-to-use software interfaces for Engineers and UsersFactory automation for test processesAll major instrument brands available & supported
Automotive Electronics Functional Test Systems
Keysight Technologies’ TS-5000 Family of Automotive Electronics Functional Test Systems helps automotive electronics manufacturers get their products to market faster by accelerating test system deployment. It utilizes common architecture and core instrumentations to offer maximum flexibility to keep pace with the dynamic changes in the automotive electronic industry.
Automotive Ethernet Compliance Solutions
These automotive Ethernet electrical test software packages let you automatically execute tests and display the results in a flexible report format. In addition to the measurement data, the report provides a margin analysis that shows how closely your device passed or failed each test. The automotive Ethernet electrical compliance solutions perform a complete set of electrical tests to meet the BroadR-Reach, 100Base-T1 and/or 1000Base-T1 specifications. The following solutions are available:
Charge-Discharge, Li-ion Cell Formation, and Test Solution
BT2200 - Keysight Technologies
The BT2200 charge-discharge platform is cost-effective and easily configurable for Li-Ion cell formation and lifetime cell cycling. A modular design supports cells requiring maximum currents ranging from ± 6 A to ± 800 A, with up to 256 cells or channels per chassis. You can quickly deploy different channel configurations as your cell requirements change and capacities grow.
General Purpose Functional Test Systems
Keysight Technologies’ TS-5000 Family of Electronics Functional Test Systems offers a wealth of choices in general purpose instruments, power supplies, switch loading and DIO capabilities in a multiple rack heights, seamlessly connected with open architecture software Test Exec SL, all immaculately assembled and thoroughly tested so you don’t have to.
Automotive Electronics Functional Test System
TS-5020 - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight TS-5020 Automotive Functional Test System is a low cost, scalable test system designed with “just-enough-test” concept for medium complexity electronic control modules, such TPMS, RKE and body electronic modules
BroadR-Reach Protocol Triggering & Decode Software (100Base-T1 Compliant)
N8847A - Keysight Technologies
The multi-tab protocol viewer includes correlation between the waveforms and the selected packet, enabling you to quickly move between the physical and protocol layer information using the time-correlated tracking marker.
Lightwave Test Systems
Keysight offers a wide range of innovative test-and-measurement solutions to accelerate the progress of next-generation high-bandwidth optical networks. Keysight's mission in the optical market is to shorten time to market and reduce cost of test for customers in R&D and manufacturing. In addition, Keysight enables new technologies that include 40 Gb/s optical components, network elements and systems, and all-optical fiber networks.
Self-Discharge Analyzer
BT2152A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight BT2152A Self-Discharge Analyzer directly measures self-discharge current on large numbers of Li-Ion cells. The analyzer provides a revolutionary reduction in the time required to discern good vs. bad cell self-discharge performance. This drives dramatic reductions in Work-in-Process inventory, working capital costs, and facility costs for cell manufacturers.
Self-Discharge Measurement Solutions
Directly measure self-discharge current in 1-2 hours instead of monitoring cell open circuit voltage over weeks or months. Quickly measure & analyze self-discharge current during cell design and evaluation. Reduce design cycle time and get to market faster. Rapidly discern good vs. bad cell self-discharge performance in manufacturing. Dramatically decrease work-in-process inventory.
Self-Discharge Measurement System
BT2191A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight Self-Discharge Measurement System delivers a revolutionary reduction in the time required to measure cell self-discharge current. For smaller cells like cylindrical 18650 or 21700 cells, testing indicates that you can quickly determine stable self-discharge current in a time between 30 minutes and 2 hours, depending on the cell characteristics. And for larger capacity pouch cells (e.g., 10-60 Ah), this typically takes 1-2 hours.