RF Conducted Immunity Test System
RFCI61000-4-6 - Lisun Electronics Inc.
RFCI61000-4-6 RF Conducted Immunity Test System is an automatic test system which is for the conduction sensitivity testing, it is fully meets IEC61000-4-6.2006, ISO11452-4, GB/T17626.6-2008 and GTB152B-CS114 etc standards. RFCI61000-4-6 internal source and broadband power amplifier can be generated 3 voltage test levels: 1v, 3v and 10v, and has the function of the real detect output level. It has two operation software which is calibration software and test software. When measuring, the signal is in 1 KHZ sine wave amplitude modulation system (80%) to simulate the actual harassment, and can through the coupling/decoupling network (CDN or electromagnetic clamp) to make the harassment signal coupled to the device.