Fibre Network Providers for High Speed and Low Latency Network Infrastructure
PBE Group is a fibre network provider that delivers a vast array of integrated tunnelling and mining projects globally and offers custom fiber-based solutions that are reliable, robust and easy to use.
Rebroadcasting systems (LTE, FM, TETRA, P25, etc), video monitoring and real time machine control systems can demand high bandwidth and low latency for operation. PBE offers a wide range of fiber-based solutions that can satisfy these requirements. PBE provides Ethernet over Fiber Network and RF over Fiber Network systems in mines and tunnels.
Fiber network has a number of advantages:
- Covers greater distances with less loss
- Support high bandwidth
- Immunity to EMI and RF Interference
- Support different topologies (Star, Ring, Tree, etc.)
- Flexible design and deployment
- Flat frequency response and wide frequency ranges
- Easy to implement redundant network