Energy Saving System
ECO-Vibe neo - EMIC Corporation (EMIC Corporation)
ECO-Vibe neo has been designed for an eco-friendly vibration test system. The test conditions with a vibration test system depends on a unit under test. Generally, the exciting force required for performing a vibration test can be calculated by the product of mass (e.g. test article, jig, table, etc.) and test acceleration. But, when the required exciting force is smaller than the maximum rated exciting force of the vibration test system, the field power supply that the constant current has to be continuously provided to produce the DC magnetic field constitutes a large part of power consumption compared with the drive power for the moving element. ECO-Vibe neo can reduce the power consumption by choosing the exciting force in this case. In addition, you can enjoy a reduction merit of the running cost from the first year when the system is introduced because initial cost is zero.