Test Benches and Recorders
Vitec Test Benches and Recorders
Measuring Complex for Registration of Test Parameters of a Pumping Unit
Portable portable complex for measuring and recording parameters of factory testing of horizontal pumping units.
Multichannel Recorder-Analyzer
Portable measuring complex for control, registration and analysis of parameters of electrical devices of the subway and railway.The measuring unit of the portable recorder of electrical devices is based on the measuring equipment of the NI CompactRIO platform manufactured by National Instruments (USA, www.ni.com ), which is placed in a special case for transporting the Pelican-Storm iM2450 with an instrument front panel and connectors for connecting a source (s ) power supply, user's workstation computer and sources of measured voltage current signals.
Air Parameters Registration Complex
Portable portable complex for registration and analysis of physical parameters of air.
Automated Control System
TermoPress - ViTec Co. Ltd
Create a system for controlling and regulating the temperature of hydraulic press plates, as well as recording the current temperature and pressure values. Solution The system has the following basic functionality:configuring and setting the working parameters of presses;start and stop the technological process of the individual press;temperature control and pressure control;forming a timetable for the work of presses;registration of process parameters on an electronic carrier;archiving and viewing of archived data;construction of reports on the technological process in text and graphic form;Turn on and off the power of the press groups.
Portable Measuring Complex - Analog Signal Analyzer
The system is designed to collect data during model tests in a pilot pool.The complex is built on the basis of a laptop in a protected design, a National Instrumrnts data collection board and two external connector blocks with BNC connectors, allowing you to connect up to 32 analog signals.
Portable Measuring Complexes
K-5101 - ViTec Co. Ltd
K-5101 is a family of multichannel, computerized measuring complexes created using the technology of virtual instruments and based on the computing capabilities of modern computers and measuring technologies of the National Instruments company. Since all the main measurement functions are implemented by software - the basic parameters of virtual devices that make up the complex are chosen taking into account the specific wishes of the customer.
Shaker Control Complex
K-5201 - ViTec Co. Ltd
n the course of vibration tests of finished products or prototypes, a number of steps are carried out that require certain, often very complex, algorithms for the operation of bench equipment and the processing of measurement results. Automation of the test process allows to reduce time costs, improve the accuracy of the task, the reliability of measurements, the visibility of information and minimize the impact of the human factor.
Registrar Of Parameters
Vibroregistrator-F - ViTec Co. Ltd
To develop a portable complex (hereinafter referred to as the Registrar) for registration, calculation and analysis of vibration and other parameters of mills while monitoring their technical condition. The registrar must ensure the collection of data coming from the accelerometers, calculate and analyze the values of the required technical parameters of the mills and generate reports on the results of the data.
Weight Registration System
The number of the current hopper and the correct positioning, along with the indication of power and status, are displayed on the indicators. Four load cells are mounted on the cart. The system records the amount of material shipped from each hopper, and the total weight of the material in the trolley is also displayed. All information is stored in the controller memory for a specified time. After the necessary time intervals, the operator can rewrite the information on the USB drive for further processing.
Static Soil Tester
GEO-probe - ViTec Co. Ltd
The complex is implemented on the basis of a portable computer and the CompactRIO control and measuring system. The software for recording and displaying measured signals and control of measuring equipment is developed on LabVIEW. The second modification of the measuring system includes, developed by our company, a miniature digital measuring module of a strain gage with a built-in ADC and inclinometer and a USB interface for connecting the digital measuring module of the probe to the computer.
Complex Of Registration Of Transient Processes
RES-4 - ViTec Co. Ltd
To ensure reliable operation of the measuring system in the conditions of test benches and under construction or existing orders, the industrial measuring platform NI PXI was chosen. The software of the complex adheres to the two-tier architecture that has become standard for our solutions. The controller software runs under the control of the real-time operating system.
Dosage System
Okhta - ViTec Co. Ltd
The "Ohta" system is designed for automated dosing of bulk materials. By controlling the dispenser valve based on feedback from digital scales, the system optimizes the operation of filling and packing machines with manual control of the dispenser valve, which reduces the number of underweightes. The hardware of the complex is built on the basis of the industrial platform CompactRIO of National Instruments. The user interface and software for statistical processing and analysis of the received data are realized on a tablet computer that interacts with the controller via the WiFi interface.
Measuring Complexes
K-5000 - ViTec Co. Ltd
As a measuring unit of the complex, the NI cDAQ data collection platform was chosen. The measuring system consists of the following components:a personal computer or laptop;measuring block - chassis cDAQ with installed on it measuring modules.The complex measures and records the following parameters:working water pressure;water flow;turnovers;moment.
Measuring System
K-5201MA - ViTec Co. Ltd
To solve this problem, the following composition of the complex was chosen in the test stand conditions:laptop in a protected version PanasonicTBCF-53;measuring block - NIUSB-4431 with a set of vibroaccelerometers AP-2037;vibration excitation system LW 139.151-30 with mounting kit for the disk.The software of the complex provides the following functions:spectral analysis of vibration signals in the regulated range;search for natural excitation frequencies in given frequency ranges;Formation of database of existing disks;generation of reporting forms;and etc.
Helicopter Reducer Vibration Monitor
The complex is built on the basis of the measuring platform NI PXI and provides measurement and calculation of vibration parameters. The software of the complex is two-level: the lower hardware level and the upper level of the user interface. The hardware level software provides the following functions:interrogation of measuring modules;signal processing in the time domain;calculation of measuring parameters;spectral analysis;recording the signal to the hard disk.
Soil Testing Complex
GEOMehanika-M - ViTec Co. Ltd
The developed measuring complex for testing soils with "GEOMECHANIKA-M" stamps includes:Control and registration unit: measuring station based on NI cRIO equipment, MIDA overpressure sensor, wireless access point AWK-3131-EU-T, pneumatic system based on pneumatics CamozziLinear motion sensorsWireless Operator Console TestSet of connecting cables
Ship Auxiliary System Monitor
A distributed system consisting of a variable number of intelligent measuring units, a central computer located on board a ship, and a remote computer on the shore, with the ability to configure and analyze measured signals via the Internet. Intelligent measuring units are built on the basis of the industrial measuring platform PXI.
Calibration And Verification Instruments
The system of automatic calibration and verification consists of a computer of the operator's workplace and a control controller with a calibrator connected to it and a verified device. The device under test can have 4 to 16 working channels with a complicated circuit for connecting different types of signals: voltage, current, thermocouples, thermoresistance. The system allows a change in the set of operating ranges during calibration and calibration. The software development system used the LabVIEW development environment with the Real-Time module.
Electronic Equipment Testing System
The task set forth the need to create a special universal software core, the main tasks of which are the provision of measurement and control processes, as well as the interaction of software components intended for collection, visualization, mathematical processing and documenting of data. For each stand, specific program modules were additionally developed according to test methods specific products. The overall modular architecture of the system makes it easy to supplement and correct test algorithms.
Climate Test Control
The visibility and intuitive clarity of the created interface ensures the simplicity of creating climate testing programs and significantly reduces the possibility of operator error. Monitoring of the climate chamber parameters can be carried out both in manual mode and automatically. The program for measuring the electrical parameters of the tested product can also be configured. The data saved during the test can be presented in a graphical format and converted into Excel format.
Automation Of Vibration Testing
The system can be equipped with various National I / O devices using PCI, PXI, USB and cRIO platforms for both testing tasks and for advanced diagnostics of the tested products. The system software includes a wide range of virtual instruments (Vibrotest, Vibration, Vibrotest SBC, Vibrorezonans, Beat, etc.).
Test Of Hand Pneumatic Tools
The measuring system consists of a test site and a control rack. The test site is equipped with a mounting for the test tool with measuring sensors: vibration, torque and speed, as well as a pneumatic regulator, a filter and a powder type brake clutch. The maximum torque test is performed until the rotation is completely stopped. The screen displays both the directly measured maximum torque and the calculated maximum power of this sample. At the end of the test, the results are presented to the operator on the monitor screen.
Test Of Aviation Turbo Starter
The use of a 16-bit analog input board provided high measurement accuracy, and the use of the SCXI reconciliation system allowed the integration of signals from the most diverse sensors in one configuration. The software developed at LabVIEW implements all kinds of tests of turbo starters in full accordance with the approved methods.
To ensure reliable operation of the measuring complex in the harsh conditions of ice tests, it is based on the industrial measuring platform NI CompactRIO, which provides mechanical strength and operation at negative temperatures.The system provides for operation both under the guidance of an operator with displaying the voltages removed from the ship's hull in the form of graphs on a computer screen connected to the strain gauge station via an Ethernet line, and in stand-alone mode, when the recording of a given duration is initiated by the station on pre-configured events: amplitude exceeding by one of channels, an external discrete signal or periodically at specified intervals.
Monitoring and Control System for Elevators and Escalators
The software package developed in the MS Visual C ++ environment has an attractive and an intuitive graphical interface. It provides for work with several groups of equipment controllers, provides advanced analysis and control capabilities (building equipment management, passenger traffic analysis, recording and playback of diagnostic information).
Thermal Monitoring System
The monitoring system for the thermal state of traction electric locomotive machines is designed for:control of the thermal state of traction electric motors (TED) as part of a high-speed traction-energy car-laboratory for testing rolling stock (TEL-C) in the acceptance and certification tests of electric locomotives;control of the thermal load of the TED and the temperature distribution by volume of the TED during the operational tests of electric locomotives;experimental determination of the most heated parts of the TED under different operating conditions;display of the current thermal state of the engine to the operator of the system;storing the thermal state data in the database for later playback.
Airlock Control System
The system is built on the basis of a panel computer with a touch screen, performing the functions of a user interface and recording the measured parameters. The stand is equipped with gate drives and a set of sensors (pressure, flow rate, force). Real-time gate control is implemented on the basis of the R-series board; for input and conversion of analog signals from the sensors, an expansion cage of the cRIO-9151 R-series boards is used.
Station Of Acceptance Testing
The acceptance test station consists of a personal computer - the workstation of the operator of the testing station, contact mechanisms, as well as current and voltage sensors. The station allows to test up to 10 electric motors of various types simultaneously. The operator of the testing station indicates the test sites at which the engine tests will be conducted, their type (from the database), serial numbers and a set of tests.
Large Electrical Machines Bench Testing
The automated system for recording parameters during testing of gas turbine generators consists of several independent but interacting measuring subsystems and a signal conditioning system. The subsystems for recording "fast" signals are implemented on the PXI platform, "slow" signals are registered by a subsystem built on the basis of the Compact FieldPoint platform.