High Vacuum Cryogenic Shrouds And Vacuum Systems
TetraTek's team of experts has over 30 years of experience in the fabrication of Thermally Conditioned Base Plates, Thermal Shrouds, Space Simulators, High Vacuum Systems, and matching Thermal Conditioning, Vacuum Pumping, Fluid and Gas Circulating, and Instrumentation Systems. Vacuum enclosures are available to operate from 1 x 10-7 Torr to atmospheric pressure and thermal conditioning systems are offered to produce temperatures from almost absolute zero to 150 C (302 F). Fluid circulating systems are available to cool and heat Base Plates or Shrouds from -55 C to +150 C, while gas conditioning systems can cool and heat from -185 C to 150 C. Cooling systems utilizing, cryo-engines or liquid helium can reach temperatures as low as -263 C.