DC Vibration Unit Tester
BK2116 - BaKo Co., Ltd (BaKo)
As the technology for BLDC motors advances, more advanced testing is also needed. The BK2116 DC Vibration Motor Tester was designed when of several of our clients needed to test the new generation of 3 port DC vibration motors. Using the BK2116, you can test the electrical specifications (RPM, current, drop pulse, and start up voltage) and also vibration level, and noise of motors with either 2 or 3 ports. The BK2116 can concurrently test 2 DUT's and BaKo's Test Shop software makes it very easy to set up and test. And because you use it with a PC or notebook, you can see graphs of the data as you test, and also save it to analyze later, or to analyze the data you gather over time.