Electronic Warfare Solutions
Shoghi Communications Ltd. (Shoghi)
Shoghi has a large portfolio of products under its category of Electronic Warfare. Traditional Electronic Warfare (EW) has three main elements of Electronic Support Measures (ESM), Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) and Electronic Counter Counter Measures (ECCM). Shoghi portfolio of products under EW are concentrated under the ESM and ECM umbrellas.
The ESM products are passive means to monitor transmissions of various communication systems. Shoghi has covered these products in the numerous fields of satellite monitoring which covers both C/Ku band satellite monitoring, VSAT Monitoring, satellite phone monitoring under heads of Thuraya /Iridium / IsatPhone Monitoring, GSM/CDMA monitoring and Radio Monitoring using wideband scanning and multiple channel receivers. These are adequately covered under the head of Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) products.