pH 2700 Benchtop Meters
OAKTON Instruments (Environmental Express)
Oakton 2700 meters meet GLP requirements - meters stamp all calibration and stored data with time/date. Nonvolatile memory stores up to 500 data sets to simplify documenting large volumes of pH or mV measurements. Meters automatically calculate and display electrode slope and offset - ideal for checking electrode quality. Order RS-232 and optional RS-232 to USB adapter separately. Advanced set-up options allow for a large degree of user customization. Datalogging intervals can be programmed into the meter for convenient continuous monitoring. Programmable limit alarm alerts you when readings fall out of range. Calibrate up to 6 points for pH using USA, NIST, DIN, or custom buffer sets. Optional password protection prevents changes to meter setup and calibration. Oversized 3-1/4" x 2-7/16" (8.3 x 6.2 cm) graphic LCD can be viewed from across the room. Bright backlight and large digits allow readings in all conditions. Informative display shows pH or Redox measurements together with temperature, electrode status, cal points, time and date all at once! Cal-due alarm lets you know when recalibration is necessary for measurement accuracy. Visual stability indicator informs you when measurements have stabilized, eliminating guesswork. Comprehensive self-diagnostics make troubleshooting a breeze.