The ASA240 Analog Signature Analyser will assist you in testing, diagnosing and troubleshooting printed circuit boards without powering them (known as ‘power-off testing’).
Connected via USB to a compatible PC running our own free software, with the ASA240 you can easily capture, measure and compare known good signatures (from your ‘golden’ board) with signatures from your suspect board. The built-in gate/bias generator (+/-10V, 100ohm source impedance) can be used to help test active components such as SCR’s, opto-couplers, small relays, TRIAC’s etc. An external dual footswitch can be connected to the ASA200 and can be user configured to control various functions.
The built switching matrix (40 x 2) is easily configured from the software and maybe used with adaptors (such as DIP or SO) to speed up testing of boards, or maybe connected to a ‘bed-of-nails’ to facilitate rapid testing of boards in production.
With the ASA240 we set out to bring the incredibly powerful technique of Analog Signature Analysis to engineers and repair shops at an affordable price.