Thermo-FID Portable VOC Gas Analysers (MCERTS)
The portable Thermo-FIDs are designed for the accurate, reliable continuous monitoring of hydrocarbon gases in a wide variety of applications including flue gas emissions, solvent evaporation, waste incineration, process monitoring, workplace and ambient monitoring. Compact, robust and lightweight, these instruments are ideal for use by Test Houses and process operators with multiple stacks; offering advanced FID technology at highly competitive prices. The Thermo-FID instruments have optional internal dataloggers and are very easy to set up and run. The portable Thermo-FID measures volatile organic compound (VOC) gases with a flame ionisation detector (FID), which converts hydrocarbon concentrations in a gas sample into an electrical signal which is displayed in engineering units - ppm or mg/m3 or g/m3 or Vol% or %LEL.