Moisture Testers for Wood
Here you will find a moisture tester for wood to determine absolute moisture in different wood types. Newly-cut logs can have a moisture content of 80% or more, depending on the type. Since wood shrinks substantially when dried, it must be dried before being used in construction or most other applications. This is most often done using a large furnace called a kiln. The air drying method may also be used, but this is much slower. With the help of the moisture tester for wood you will be able to measure with high accuracy moisture in, not only raw wood, but also rolled paper products, planks, slats, beams, plywood, panels, particle board, main beams, window frames, etc., anything wooden. There are two ways of measuring moisture, these two ways are with or without damaging the material. The majority of types of moisture testers we offer at PCE do not damage the wood, or damage it very slightly.
The moisture tester for wood is characterized by the measuring principle and the moisture sensors that can be adapted to it. The moisture tester for wood has special characteristics such as an automatic compensation of temperature. Besides, data can be stored and transferred to a PC or laptop, or characteristic curves can be programmed for specific wood types (only with the model FMD). Our moisture tester are of the highest quality standards in the industry, and are durable and easy to use.