DAS-429PCMCIA/RT10 - Excalibur Systems, Inc.
Both cards contain 68 Kbytes of true dual-port RAM, for data blocks, control registers and Look-up table, mapped within the Common Memory space. The card also contains a FLASH-based Card Information Structure (CIS) within the Attribute Memory space.The cards comply with the Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA Release 2.1) standard, including Plug and Play. The card's small size and suitability for PCMCIA compatible notebook computers with Type II and Type III slots make it a complete solution for developing and testing ARINC-429 interfaces and for performing system simulation of the ARINC-429 bus, both in the lab and in the field.The cards are supplied with C drivers, including source code, Mystic Windows software and may be used with Exalt, Excalibur’s Analysis and Laboratory Tools, a Windows monitoring application.