16 or 32 channel Digital to Analog Converter
LS-71-P - Lumistar Inc. (Lumistar)
The LS-71P PCI D/A Converter (DAC) board provides high speed analog outputs of PCM decommutated data allowing real time data displays using strip chart recorders or similar devices. The LS-71-P board is designed to be used in conjunction with the Lumistar LS-50-P Multifunction PCM Decommutator boards and uses an over-the-top communication bus directly from the decom to the DAC to avoid any glitches in the analog outputs due to PCI bus activity. Direct “mailbox” type access is also provided to allow the user to send information through the PCI bus to the DACs. The DAC board design allows 2 LS-50-D Multifunction decom boards to be used with a single DAC board allowing tagged data from either data stream to be directed to any DAC channel. An optional LS-71-DB Word Selector Daughterboard allows two additional data streams to be monitored with the ability to select channels from 4 data streams to be displayed on any DAC channel. The design incorporates an extremely large memory (more than 200,000 16-bit words) used as a lookup table allowing linear or non-linear EU
conversions with constant delay regardless of the number of polynomial coefficients required. Standard product supports a single decom, however, dual decom support is available as an option.