Automated Discrete Semiconductor Tester (ATE)
5000E - Scientific Test, Inc.
Same Proven Technology as all 5000 Series Testers. High Speed Single Test Measure. Capable of Testing Multiple and Mixed Devices. 1KV Standard, 2KV Optional. 1NA to 50A Standard, 100A Optional. 0.1NA Resolution. Complete Self Test. Auto-Calibration. RDSON to 0.1MOHM Resolution. Windows Application Software. Optional Scanner. Optional Wafer Mapping. Optional Curve Trace. MOSFET, IGBT, J-FETTriac, SCR, Sidac, Diac, Quadrac, STS, SBS Transistor, Diode, Opto, Zener Regulator, MOV, Relay. UNDER $23,000.00