3U CompactPCI 6-Slot Cubic Chassis with CompactPCI Power Module
cPCIS-2500 Series - ADLINK Technology Inc. (ADLINK)
The cPCIS-2500 series 3U CompactPCI 6-slot Cubic Chassis is designed for 3U CompactPCI cards and modules without rear I/O. It is 4U in height, 237 mm deep, and suitable for bench top use or wall mounting. It is ideal for industrial or transport applications where small chassis size and versatility are important. A built in cooling system with removable filter provides maximum cooling efficiency, and the 250W cPCI power supply allows easy maintenance. The cPCIS-2500 series' ability to handle a wide range of temperatures and excellent shock and vibration characteristics make it suitable for operating in a rigorous environment.
Format: cPCI
Chassis Slot: Quantity: 1
Chassis Slot: Quantity: 1
Chassis Slot: Quantity: 1
Chassis Slot: Quantity: 1
Chassis Slot: Quantity: 1
Chassis Slot: Quantity: 1